Dürer Turnier 2019

Date March 2, 2019
Country Germany
State Bavaria
City Nürnberg

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 136 45
Women's Steel Longsword 27 10

Fighters in event

Johanna Hopfgartner INDES Salzburg
Benedikt Koller INDES Salzburg
Friedrich Bialas Wiener Fecht- und Ausdauersportrunde
Olga Reinartz Brückenschlag
Felix Linder Europäische Schwertkunst
Manuel Geiling Europäische Schwertkunst
Julia Klose Europäische Schwertkunst
Antje Hoffmann Fechtschule Asteria
Alexander Meyer Fechtschule Asteria
Michael Sprenger Fencing Club Dresden
Thomas Flossmann Gladiatores München
Simon Berg Krifon
Pepin Marshall Ochs München
Jan Dovica Quinque Verba
Max Quast Quinque Verba
Daniel Kastner Quinque Verba
Thomas Werner Quinque Verba
Franziska Hofmann Saalefechter
Paul Hofmann Saalefechter
Alexander Fürgut Schwabenfedern
Lukas Mästle-Goer Schwabenfedern
Martin Hirner Schwabenfedern
Alexander Worwetz Schwert und Bogen
Ben Keller Schwert und Bogen
Daniel Gottschalk Schwert und Bogen
Joschua Spratter Schwert und Bogen
Felix Bott Schwert und Bogen
Gerhard Czekalla Schwert und Bogen
Sebastian Linstädt Schwert und Bogen
Bastian Tilgner Schwert und Bogen
Eva Reinhardt Schwert und Bogen
Marc Schramm Schwert und Bogen
Christopher Tilly Schwert und Bogen
Florian Kirchhöfer Schwert und Bogen
Simon Keim Schwert und Bogen
Michael Seebauer Schwert und Bogen
Katharina Schmitt Schwert und Bogen
Marion Hambuch Schwert und Bogen
Saskia Bischofsberger Schwert und Bogen
Paul Markwardt Schwertspiel Dresden
Theresa Beckert Schwertspiel Dresden
Cornelius Tschiersich Stahlakademie
Nicolai Rohmann Turngemeinde Münster
Tom Tempel Twerchhau e.V.
Russell Lai EHMS


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Tom Tempel Olga Reinartz WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Felix Bott Christopher Tilly LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Alexander Meyer Felix Bott LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Tom Tempel Christopher Tilly WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Alexander Meyer Tom Tempel LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Olga Reinartz Christopher Tilly LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Alexander Meyer Olga Reinartz LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Tom Tempel Felix Bott DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Alexander Meyer Christopher Tilly LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Olga Reinartz Felix Bott WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Nicolai Rohmann Marc Schramm LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Anonymous fighter Eva Reinhardt WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Johanna Hopfgartner Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Marc Schramm Eva Reinhardt WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Johanna Hopfgartner Marc Schramm LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nicolai Rohmann Eva Reinhardt WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Johanna Hopfgartner Nicolai Rohmann LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Anonymous fighter Marc Schramm WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Eva Reinhardt Johanna Hopfgartner LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Anonymous fighter Nicolai Rohmann WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Benedikt Koller Max Quast LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Ben Keller Daniel Gottschalk WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Anonymous fighter Felix Linder LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Felix Linder Benedikt Koller WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Anonymous fighter Daniel Gottschalk WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Max Quast Ben Keller WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Benedikt Koller Daniel Gottschalk WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Ben Keller Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Max Quast Felix Linder LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Benedikt Koller Ben Keller WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Felix Linder Daniel Gottschalk WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Anonymous fighter Max Quast DRAW DRAW
Pool 3 Benedikt Koller Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Daniel Gottschalk Max Quast WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Felix Linder Ben Keller WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Sebastian Linstädt Daniel Kastner WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Julia Klose Michael Seebauer LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Cornelius Tschiersich Jan Dovica WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Sebastian Linstädt Cornelius Tschiersich WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Michael Seebauer Jan Dovica LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Daniel Kastner Julia Klose DRAW DRAW
Pool 4 Sebastian Linstädt Michael Seebauer WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Julia Klose Jan Dovica LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Cornelius Tschiersich Daniel Kastner WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Julia Klose Sebastian Linstädt LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Cornelius Tschiersich Michael Seebauer WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Jan Dovica Daniel Kastner WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Sebastian Linstädt Jan Dovica WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Michael Seebauer Daniel Kastner WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Cornelius Tschiersich Julia Klose WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Manuel Geiling Alexander Fürgut LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Thomas Werner Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Anonymous fighter Alexander Worwetz WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Manuel Geiling Thomas Werner WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Alexander Worwetz Manuel Geiling LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Thomas Werner Alexander Fürgut LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Alexander Worwetz Alexander Fürgut LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Manuel Geiling Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Alexander Worwetz Thomas Werner LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Anonymous fighter Alexander Fürgut LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Florian Kirchhöfer Antje Hoffmann WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Lukas Mästle-Goer Pepin Marshall WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Simon Berg Michael Sprenger LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Michael Sprenger Florian Kirchhöfer WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Simon Berg Lukas Mästle-Goer LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Antje Hoffmann Pepin Marshall LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Lukas Mästle-Goer Florian Kirchhöfer WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Pepin Marshall Simon Berg WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Antje Hoffmann Michael Sprenger LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Florian Kirchhöfer Pepin Marshall LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Lukas Mästle-Goer Michael Sprenger WIN LOSS
Pool 6 Antje Hoffmann Simon Berg LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Florian Kirchhöfer Simon Berg LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Antje Hoffmann Lukas Mästle-Goer LOSS WIN
Pool 6 Pepin Marshall Michael Sprenger WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Joschua Spratter Gerhard Czekalla LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Friedrich Bialas Paul Hofmann LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Paul Markwardt Martin Hirner WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Joschua Spratter Martin Hirner WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Friedrich Bialas Paul Markwardt LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Gerhard Czekalla Paul Hofmann LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Friedrich Bialas Joschua Spratter WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Paul Markwardt Paul Hofmann LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Gerhard Czekalla Martin Hirner LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Paul Hofmann Joschua Spratter WIN LOSS
Pool 7 Martin Hirner Friedrich Bialas LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Gerhard Czekalla Paul Markwardt LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Joschua Spratter Paul Markwardt LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Friedrich Bialas Gerhard Czekalla LOSS WIN
Pool 7 Martin Hirner Paul Hofmann WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Bastian Tilgner Simon Keim LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Franziska Hofmann Thomas Flossmann LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Anonymous fighter Russell Lai LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Simon Keim Russell Lai WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Anonymous fighter Thomas Flossmann LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Bastian Tilgner Franziska Hofmann WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Simon Keim Thomas Flossmann LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Anonymous fighter Franziska Hofmann WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Bastian Tilgner Russell Lai WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Franziska Hofmann Simon Keim LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Thomas Flossmann Russell Lai WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Anonymous fighter Bastian Tilgner WIN LOSS
Pool 8 Simon Keim Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Thomas Flossmann Bastian Tilgner LOSS WIN
Pool 8 Franziska Hofmann Russell Lai WIN LOSS
Last thirty two Tom Tempel Bastian Tilgner WIN LOSS
Last thirty two Thomas Flossmann Christopher Tilly WIN LOSS
Last thirty two Anonymous fighter Olga Reinartz WIN LOSS
Last thirty two Simon Keim Felix Bott WIN LOSS
Last thirty two Paul Markwardt Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Last thirty two Marc Schramm Paul Hofmann WIN LOSS
Last thirty two Friedrich Bialas Nicolai Rohmann WIN LOSS
Last thirty two Gerhard Czekalla Johanna Hopfgartner WIN LOSS
Last thirty two Pepin Marshall Felix Linder LOSS WIN
Last thirty two Lukas Mästle-Goer Benedikt Koller WIN LOSS
Last thirty two Max Quast Simon Berg WIN LOSS
Last thirty two Michael Sprenger Ben Keller WIN LOSS
Last thirty two Anonymous fighter Sebastian Linstädt WIN LOSS
Last thirty two Cornelius Tschiersich Alexander Fürgut LOSS WIN
Last thirty two Thomas Werner Jan Dovica LOSS WIN
Last thirty two Manuel Geiling Michael Seebauer WIN LOSS
Last Sixteen Lukas Mästle-Goer Felix Linder WIN LOSS
Last Sixteen Max Quast Michael Sprenger LOSS WIN
Last Sixteen Alexander Fürgut Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Last Sixteen Jan Dovica Manuel Geiling LOSS WIN
Last Sixteen Tom Tempel Thomas Flossmann LOSS WIN
Last Sixteen Anonymous fighter Simon Keim LOSS WIN
Last Sixteen Marc Schramm Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Last Sixteen Gerhard Czekalla Friedrich Bialas WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Alexander Fürgut Manuel Geiling LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Simon Keim Thomas Flossmann LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Anonymous fighter Gerhard Czekalla WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Lukas Mästle-Goer Michael Sprenger LOSS WIN
Semi - Finals Manuel Geiling Michael Sprenger LOSS WIN
Semi - Finals Thomas Flossmann Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Finals Michael Sprenger Thomas Flossmann LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Marion Hambuch Olga Reinartz LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Eva Reinhardt Saskia Bischofsberger WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Theresa Beckert Eva Reinhardt LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Saskia Bischofsberger Olga Reinartz LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Olga Reinartz Theresa Beckert WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Marion Hambuch Saskia Bischofsberger WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Theresa Beckert Marion Hambuch WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Eva Reinhardt Olga Reinartz LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Saskia Bischofsberger Theresa Beckert LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Eva Reinhardt Marion Hambuch LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Antje Hoffmann Katharina Schmitt WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Franziska Hofmann Julia Klose WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Johanna Hopfgartner Franziska Hofmann WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Antje Hoffmann Julia Klose WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Johanna Hopfgartner Antje Hoffmann WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Katharina Schmitt Julia Klose WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Katharina Schmitt Johanna Hopfgartner LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Antje Hoffmann Franziska Hofmann LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Johanna Hopfgartner Julia Klose WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Franziska Hofmann Katharina Schmitt WIN LOSS
Final Theresa Beckert Johanna Hopfgartner LOSS WIN
Semi Final Olga Reinartz Johanna Hopfgartner LOSS WIN
Semi Final Marion Hambuch Theresa Beckert LOSS WIN
Quarterfinal Olga Reinartz Franziska Hofmann WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Johanna Hopfgartner Eva Reinhardt WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Marion Hambuch Katharina Schmitt WIN LOSS
Quarterfinal Antje Hoffmann Theresa Beckert LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Dürer Turnier 2019

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
151 22 Lukas Mästle-Goer Schwabenfedern 1596.2 25
152 81 Sebastian Linstädt Schwert und Bogen 1595.2 55.3
156 144 Alexander Fürgut Schwabenfedern 1592.7 82.7
240 47 Tom Tempel Twerchhau e.V. 1539.7 25.5
244 340 Thomas Flossmann Gladiatores München 1537.8 143.1
260 13 Marc Schramm Schwert und Bogen 1531.7 10.9
268 38 Bastian Tilgner Schwert und Bogen 1529.4 11.9
433 80 Nicolai Rohmann Turngemeinde Münster 1452.8 32.1
465 157 Cornelius Tschiersich Stahlakademie 1436 53.3
547 304 Simon Keim Schwert und Bogen 1407.3 90.3
609 234 Michael Sprenger Fencing Club Dresden 1389.7 70.2
679 1047 Felix Linder Europäische Schwertkunst 1372.1 259
684 194 Paul Hofmann Saalefechter 1371.3 61.6
924 105 Friedrich Bialas Wiener Fecht- und Ausdauersportrunde 1300 32.1
932 1380 Manuel Geiling Europäische Schwertkunst 1298.9 308.9
1008 Paul Markwardt Schwertspiel Dresden 1278.9
1016 1 Olga Reinartz Brückenschlag 1276.4 5.3
1067 775 Christopher Tilly Schwert und Bogen 1262.9 170.6
1177 Gerhard Czekalla Schwert und Bogen 1237.7
1263 Jan Dovica Quinque Verba 1219.7
1389 234 Benedikt Koller INDES Salzburg 1189.5 54.8
1442 41 Simon Berg Krifon 1176.8 4.3
1445 89 Johanna Hopfgartner INDES Salzburg 1175.8 15.3
1565 Max Quast Quinque Verba 1151.3
1778 1141 Pepin Marshall Ochs München 1107.8 256.8
1784 Martin Hirner Schwabenfedern 1106.2
2039 Felix Bott Schwert und Bogen 1054.4
2047 341 Florian Kirchhöfer Schwert und Bogen 1053.1 64.7
2066 Michael Seebauer Schwert und Bogen 1048.7
2244 Franziska Hofmann Saalefechter 1006.1
2243 Russell Lai EHMS 1006.1
2358 Ben Keller Schwert und Bogen 987.3
2427 Thomas Werner Quinque Verba 972.9
2449 255 Alexander Worwetz Schwert und Bogen 969.5 43.1
2574 Joschua Spratter Schwert und Bogen 945
2684 Julia Klose Europäische Schwertkunst 916.2
2685 Daniel Kastner Quinque Verba 916.2
2812 439 Antje Hoffmann Fechtschule Asteria 887.3 91
2938 Alexander Meyer Fechtschule Asteria 851.9
2986 Daniel Gottschalk Schwert und Bogen 841.4
3285 65 Eva Reinhardt Schwert und Bogen 740.5 11.6