Pfälzer Fehde 2018

Date October 20, 2018
Country Germany
State Rheinland-Pfalz
City Neustadt an der Weinstraße

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 105 15

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Daniel Becker Nicolai Rohmann LOSS WIN
Werner Conze Ingo Gerhartz LOSS WIN
Christian Lang Dirk Osenberg WIN LOSS
Till Schultz Andreas Wolff WIN LOSS
Jan Obendorfer Max Becker LOSS WIN
Felix Eckel Malte Klein LOSS WIN
Daniel Becker Alexander Klenner LOSS WIN
Nicolai Rohmann Ingo Gerhartz WIN LOSS
Christian Lang Felix Eckel WIN LOSS
Ingo Gerhartz Max Becker WIN LOSS
Michael Blum Daniel Becker WIN LOSS
Nicolai Rohmann Werner Conze WIN LOSS
Felix Eckel Till Schultz WIN LOSS
Malte Klein Jan Obendorfer WIN LOSS
Dirk Osenberg Alexander Klenner LOSS WIN
Andreas Wolff Christian Lang WIN LOSS
Max Becker Nicolai Rohmann DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Daniel Becker Felix Eckel LOSS WIN
Till Schultz Daniel Becker WIN LOSS
Thomas Hofmeister Max Becker WIN LOSS
Michael Blum Christian Lang WIN LOSS
Felix Eckel Dirk Osenberg WIN LOSS
Michael Blum Thomas Hofmeister WIN LOSS
Werner Conze Daniel Becker WIN LOSS
Nicolai Rohmann Malte Klein WIN LOSS
Dirk Osenberg Ingo Gerhartz WIN LOSS
Max Becker Andreas Wolff LOSS WIN
Thomas Hofmeister Malte Klein LOSS WIN
Till Schultz Jan Obendorfer WIN LOSS
Daniel Becker Jan Obendorfer WIN LOSS
Andreas Wolff Malte Klein LOSS WIN
Ingo Gerhartz Christian Lang WIN LOSS
Felix Eckel Max Becker WIN LOSS
Michael Blum Till Schultz LOSS WIN
Werner Conze Dirk Osenberg WIN LOSS
Daniel Becker Thomas Hofmeister WIN LOSS
Michael Blum Ingo Gerhartz DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Christian Lang Malte Klein WIN LOSS
Nicolai Rohmann Jan Obendorfer WIN LOSS
Werner Conze Andreas Wolff LOSS WIN
Ingo Gerhartz Malte Klein WIN LOSS
Max Becker Till Schultz LOSS WIN
Jan Obendorfer Thomas Hofmeister LOSS WIN
Nicolai Rohmann Christian Lang WIN LOSS
Werner Conze Felix Eckel DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Alexander Klenner Andreas Wolff WIN LOSS
Jan Obendorfer Christian Lang LOSS WIN
Daniel Becker Malte Klein LOSS WIN
Alexander Klenner Ingo Gerhartz WIN LOSS
Dirk Osenberg Michael Blum LOSS WIN
Till Schultz Nicolai Rohmann LOSS WIN
Christian Lang Till Schultz LOSS WIN
Werner Conze Max Becker WIN LOSS
Malte Klein Michael Blum LOSS WIN
Daniel Becker Ingo Gerhartz LOSS WIN
Andreas Wolff Dirk Osenberg WIN LOSS
Jan Obendorfer Felix Eckel LOSS WIN
Werner Conze Christian Lang LOSS WIN
Nicolai Rohmann Alexander Klenner LOSS WIN
Daniel Becker Andreas Wolff WIN LOSS
Thomas Hofmeister Andreas Wolff LOSS WIN
Alexander Klenner Werner Conze WIN LOSS
Thomas Hofmeister Alexander Klenner LOSS WIN
Werner Conze Thomas Hofmeister WIN LOSS
Dirk Osenberg Max Becker LOSS WIN
Andreas Wolff Felix Eckel LOSS WIN
Michael Blum Werner Conze WIN LOSS
Thomas Hofmeister Nicolai Rohmann WIN LOSS
Dirk Osenberg Thomas Hofmeister WIN LOSS
Till Schultz Alexander Klenner LOSS WIN
Michael Blum Felix Eckel DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Till Schultz Ingo Gerhartz LOSS WIN
Michael Blum Nicolai Rohmann LOSS WIN
Jan Obendorfer Werner Conze LOSS WIN
Dirk Osenberg Nicolai Rohmann LOSS WIN
Alexander Klenner Max Becker LOSS WIN
Ingo Gerhartz Thomas Hofmeister DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Andreas Wolff Jan Obendorfer DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Dirk Osenberg Till Schultz LOSS WIN
Thomas Hofmeister Felix Eckel LOSS WIN
Alexander Klenner Malte Klein WIN LOSS
Christian Lang Thomas Hofmeister DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Dirk Osenberg Jan Obendorfer WIN LOSS
Alexander Klenner Michael Blum WIN LOSS
Ingo Gerhartz Andreas Wolff LOSS WIN
Malte Klein Werner Conze WIN LOSS
Michael Blum Jan Obendorfer DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Max Becker Daniel Becker DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Alexander Klenner Felix Eckel WIN LOSS
Till Schultz Malte Klein WIN LOSS
Michael Blum Andreas Wolff WIN LOSS
Felix Eckel Ingo Gerhartz DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Malte Klein Max Becker WIN LOSS
Andreas Wolff Nicolai Rohmann LOSS WIN
Daniel Becker Dirk Osenberg WIN LOSS
Till Schultz Werner Conze WIN LOSS
Alexander Klenner Christian Lang WIN LOSS
Michael Blum Max Becker WIN LOSS
Christian Lang Daniel Becker WIN LOSS
Nicolai Rohmann Felix Eckel LOSS WIN
Ingo Gerhartz Jan Obendorfer WIN LOSS
Till Schultz Thomas Hofmeister DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Dirk Osenberg Malte Klein WIN LOSS
Max Becker Christian Lang WIN LOSS
Alexander Klenner Jan Obendorfer WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Pfälzer Fehde 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
136 Alexander Klenner Zornhau 1593
317 321 Nicolai Rohmann Turngemeinde Münster 1490.4 135.7
350 43 Till Schultz Pfälzer Schwertlöwen 1473.8 26.4
604 Michael Blum Fechtschule Schrankhut 1377.5
762 296 Felix Eckel Pfälzer Schwertlöwen 1324.6 88.8
774 Ingo Gerhartz Bunte Schar Budenheim 1320.6
1094 Malte Klein Zornhau 1232.8
1097 227 Christian Lang Pfälzer Schwertlöwen 1232 62.7
1104 1350 Andreas Wolff ASV Ossweil 1230.2 314.3
1637 Werner Conze Zornhau 1105.9
1750 Daniel Becker Bunte Schar Budenheim 1080.9
2004 Dirk Osenberg Polizeisportverein Karlsruhe e. V. 1021.7
2016 Thomas Hofmeister Zornhau 1017.2
2188 506 Max Becker Pfälzer Schwertlöwen 985.7 132.8
2836 Jan Obendorfer Pfälzer Schwertlöwen 825.5