FechtTerra 2018

Date December 8, 2018
Country Russia
City Saint Petersburg

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 81 21
Mixed Steel Longsword 134 53
Women's Steel Longsword 34 16

Fighters in event

Maxim Korovay Minsk HEMA Fight Club
Eetu Röpelinen EHMS
Miro Lahtela EHMS
Simo-Pekka Leppänen EHMS
Aleksi Ahola EHMS
Benjamin Szewczuk La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Hélène Georgiou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne
Ties Kool Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Igor Vinogradov CounterTime
Dar'ya Murav'eva CounterTime
Nikita Popov CounterTime
Denis Myshagin CounterTime
Alexey Borisov CounterTime
Andrey Muzurin CounterTime
Elena Muzurina CounterTime
Ilia Pribylovskii CounterTime
Mikhail Fedosov Edinorog
Alexey Varaksin FFC Paladin
Alexander Patrukhin Freifechtergilde
Michael Melnikov Freifechtergilde
Аndrey Shumilin Freifechtergilde
Egor Pravoj Freifechtergilde
Аnastasiya Kuznetsova Freifechtergilde
Mikhail Vladov Freifechtergilde
Maxim Lychagin Freifechtergilde
Dmitry Zuev Freifechtergilde
Anastasia Volkova Freifechtergilde
Vladislav Sidelnikov Freifechtergilde
Andrei Nikitin Freifechtergilde
Sergei Geraskin Freifechtergilde
Vasily Moiseenko Freifechtergilde
Timofey Matrosov Freifechtergilde
Andrey Nekrylov Freifechtergilde
Dmitry Pavlov Freifechtergilde
Pavel Buivol Freifechtergilde
Jaroslav Solvev Freifechtergilde
Daria Iliinykh Golden Falcon
Dmitriy Usoltsev Golden Falcon
Petr Vasiliev Golden Falcon
Denis Efimov Golden Falcon
Vladimir Poliakov Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland
Daniil Typanov International Academy of Fencing Arts
Viktor Nikulin International Academy of Fencing Arts
Molchanov Sergey International Academy of Fencing Arts
Maxim Danilov International Academy of Fencing Arts
Nikolay Krylov International Academy of Fencing Arts
Sergey Ladnov International Academy of Fencing Arts
Vladimir Miroshnichenko Irkutsk Swordfighters Guild
Dmitry Ljulja Kord
Nikolay Aslamov Men With Swords
Alexander Ryabov Men With Swords
Tatiana Terekhova Men With Swords
Alexander Lavrov Men With Swords
Dmitrii Cherniakov Men With Swords
Mikhail Vinokurov RIF
Sofia Mikhalevich Schola St. George
Nikolay Apraksin Scuola Saint George
Grigoriy Simakov SFO
Sergey Stepanov SFO
Alexander Balenko Steel
Pavel Sergeev Steel
Olga Balenko Steel
Sergey Kruchinin Steel
Аnna Solovej Steel
Аnastasiya Ponomareva Steel
Anton Belousov Steel
Akim Boyarinov Steel
Alexey Perkov Tramazzone
Alsu Saifutdinova Tramazzone
Aleksey Grunsky Tramazzone
Ilya Gorelov Tramazzone
Аlexey Zhdanov Tramazzone
Viktoriya Bavtruk Tramazzone
Aleksey Osipov Ultima Ratio
Viktoriya Polyakova Ultima Ratio
Andrey Bannov Ultima Ratio
Pavel Speshilov Ultima Ratio
Irina Danilina Ultima Ratio
Kirill Cherevko Ultima Ratio
Kirill Breus Ultima Ratio
Vadim Speshilov Ultima Ratio
Aleksandr Beklemeshev Unterwalden
Nikolay Davydov Unterwalden
Valentina Zueva Vier Winden
Alexander Zhulin Vier Winden
Аlexey Tatsjak Vier Winden
Аndrey Burykin Vier Winden
Mikhail Chuyev Wandering Fox
Martin Fabian Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok
Tomáš Sucha Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool1 Vasily Moiseenko Ties Kool LOSS WIN
Pool1 Vladislav Sidelnikov Sergey Ladnov WIN LOSS
Pool1 Petr Vasiliev Ties Kool LOSS WIN
Pool1 Sergey Ladnov Vasily Moiseenko LOSS WIN
Pool1 Vladislav Sidelnikov Petr Vasiliev LOSS WIN
Pool1 Sergey Ladnov Ties Kool LOSS WIN
Pool1 Vladislav Sidelnikov Vasily Moiseenko DRAW DRAW
Pool1 Sergey Ladnov Petr Vasiliev WIN LOSS
Pool1 Ties Kool Vladislav Sidelnikov WIN LOSS
Pool1 Vasily Moiseenko Petr Vasiliev LOSS WIN
Pool2 Tomáš Sucha Dmitriy Usoltsev LOSS WIN
Pool2 Egor Pravoj Dmitry Pavlov DRAW DRAW
Pool2 Maxim Korovay Tomáš Sucha LOSS WIN
Pool2 Egor Pravoj Dmitriy Usoltsev LOSS WIN
Pool2 Maxim Korovay Dmitry Pavlov DRAW DRAW
Pool2 Tomáš Sucha Egor Pravoj LOSS WIN
Pool2 Dmitry Pavlov Dmitriy Usoltsev WIN LOSS
Pool2 Maxim Korovay Egor Pravoj LOSS WIN
Pool2 Tomáš Sucha Dmitry Pavlov LOSS WIN
Pool2 Maxim Korovay Dmitriy Usoltsev LOSS WIN
Pool3 Alexey Perkov Martin Fabian LOSS WIN
Pool3 Akim Boyarinov Alexander Ryabov WIN LOSS
Pool3 Martin Fabian Andrei Nikitin WIN LOSS
Pool3 Alexander Ryabov Alexey Perkov LOSS WIN
Pool3 Akim Boyarinov Andrei Nikitin WIN LOSS
Pool3 Martin Fabian Alexander Ryabov LOSS WIN
Pool3 Akim Boyarinov Alexey Perkov LOSS WIN
Pool3 Andrei Nikitin Alexander Ryabov LOSS WIN
Pool3 Akim Boyarinov Martin Fabian DRAW DRAW
Pool3 Andrei Nikitin Alexey Perkov LOSS WIN
Pool4 Andrey Nekrylov Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
Pool4 Alexander Balenko Benjamin Szewczuk LOSS WIN
Pool4 Andrey Muzurin Andrey Nekrylov WIN LOSS
Pool4 Alexander Balenko Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
Pool4 Andrey Muzurin Michael Melnikov WIN LOSS
Pool4 Alexander Balenko Andrey Nekrylov WIN LOSS
Pool4 Andrey Muzurin Benjamin Szewczuk WIN LOSS
Pool4 Michael Melnikov Alexander Balenko WIN LOSS
Pool4 Andrey Nekrylov Benjamin Szewczuk WIN LOSS
Pool4 Michael Melnikov Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
Pool4 Andrey Muzurin Alexander Balenko WIN LOSS
Pool4 Benjamin Szewczuk Miro Lahtela LOSS WIN
Pool4 Michael Melnikov Andrey Nekrylov WIN LOSS
Pool4 Andrey Muzurin Miro Lahtela WIN LOSS
Pool4 Michael Melnikov Benjamin Szewczuk WIN LOSS
Phase2.Pool1 Akim Boyarinov Egor Pravoj WIN LOSS
Phase2.Pool1 Martin Fabian Michael Melnikov LOSS WIN
Phase2.Pool1 Akim Boyarinov Miro Lahtela DRAW DRAW
Phase2.Pool1 Egor Pravoj Martin Fabian LOSS WIN
Phase2.Pool1 Ties Kool Miro Lahtela WIN LOSS
Phase2.Pool1 Akim Boyarinov Martin Fabian DRAW DRAW
Phase2.Pool1 Michael Melnikov Miro Lahtela DRAW DRAW
Phase2.Pool1 Martin Fabian Ties Kool LOSS WIN
Phase2.Pool1 Akim Boyarinov Michael Melnikov LOSS WIN
Phase2.Pool1 Ties Kool Egor Pravoj WIN LOSS
Phase2.Pool1 Martin Fabian Miro Lahtela WIN LOSS
Phase2.Pool1 Michael Melnikov Egor Pravoj WIN LOSS
Phase2.Pool1 Akim Boyarinov Ties Kool LOSS WIN
Phase2.Pool1 Egor Pravoj Miro Lahtela DRAW DRAW
Phase2.Pool1 Ties Kool Michael Melnikov LOSS WIN
Phase2.Pool2 Alexander Ryabov Dmitry Pavlov WIN LOSS
Phase2.Pool2 Dmitriy Usoltsev Petr Vasiliev WIN LOSS
Phase2.Pool2 Alexander Ryabov Alexey Perkov WIN LOSS
Phase2.Pool2 Dmitry Pavlov Petr Vasiliev WIN LOSS
Phase2.Pool2 Andrey Muzurin Alexey Perkov WIN LOSS
Phase2.Pool2 Alexander Ryabov Petr Vasiliev WIN LOSS
Phase2.Pool2 Alexey Perkov Dmitriy Usoltsev LOSS WIN
Phase2.Pool2 Petr Vasiliev Andrey Muzurin DRAW DRAW
Phase2.Pool2 Alexander Ryabov Dmitriy Usoltsev LOSS WIN
Phase2.Pool2 Dmitry Pavlov Andrey Muzurin LOSS WIN
Phase2.Pool2 Petr Vasiliev Alexey Perkov WIN LOSS
Phase2.Pool2 Dmitry Pavlov Dmitriy Usoltsev LOSS WIN
Phase2.Pool2 Andrey Muzurin Alexander Ryabov LOSS WIN
Phase2.Pool2 Dmitry Pavlov Alexey Perkov LOSS WIN
Phase2.Pool2 Andrey Muzurin Dmitriy Usoltsev LOSS WIN
Finals Alexander Ryabov Dmitriy Usoltsev LOSS WIN
Finals Michael Melnikov Dmitriy Usoltsev WIN LOSS
Finals Ties Kool Michael Melnikov LOSS WIN
Finals Alexander Ryabov Ties Kool LOSS WIN
Finals Michael Melnikov Alexander Ryabov LOSS WIN
Finals Ties Kool Dmitriy Usoltsev WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool1 Alexander Patrukhin Kirill Cherevko WIN LOSS
Pool1 Mikhail Chuyev Аndrey Shumilin DRAW DRAW
Pool1 Denis Efimov Alexander Patrukhin LOSS WIN
Pool1 Mikhail Chuyev Kirill Cherevko LOSS WIN
Pool1 Denis Efimov Аndrey Shumilin DRAW DRAW
Pool1 Mikhail Chuyev Alexander Patrukhin DRAW DRAW
Pool1 Kirill Cherevko Аndrey Shumilin DRAW DRAW
Pool1 Mikhail Chuyev Denis Efimov DRAW DRAW
Pool1 Аndrey Shumilin Alexander Patrukhin LOSS WIN
Pool1 Denis Efimov Kirill Cherevko DRAW DRAW
Pool2 Dmitry Zuev Alexey Borisov LOSS WIN
Pool2 Aleksey Osipov Dmitrii Cherniakov LOSS WIN
Pool2 Alexey Borisov Vladimir Poliakov WIN LOSS
Pool2 Aleksey Osipov Dmitry Zuev LOSS WIN
Pool2 Dmitrii Cherniakov Vladimir Poliakov DRAW DRAW
Pool2 Aleksey Osipov Alexey Borisov LOSS WIN
Pool2 Dmitry Zuev Dmitrii Cherniakov DRAW DRAW
Pool2 Vladimir Poliakov Aleksey Osipov WIN LOSS
Pool2 Alexey Borisov Dmitrii Cherniakov WIN LOSS
Pool2 Vladimir Poliakov Dmitry Zuev LOSS WIN
Pool3 Alexander Zhulin Simo-Pekka Leppänen LOSS WIN
Pool3 Dmitry Ljulja Sergei Geraskin LOSS WIN
Pool3 Nikolay Krylov Alexander Zhulin WIN LOSS
Pool3 Sergei Geraskin Simo-Pekka Leppänen WIN LOSS
Pool3 Nikolay Krylov Dmitry Ljulja LOSS WIN
Pool3 Alexander Zhulin Sergei Geraskin LOSS WIN
Pool3 Dmitry Ljulja Simo-Pekka Leppänen WIN LOSS
Pool3 Nikolay Krylov Sergei Geraskin LOSS WIN
Pool3 Dmitry Ljulja Alexander Zhulin WIN LOSS
Pool3 Nikolay Krylov Simo-Pekka Leppänen LOSS WIN
Pool4 Igor Vinogradov Pavel Buivol LOSS WIN
Pool4 Pavel Sergeev Molchanov Sergey LOSS WIN
Pool4 Аlexey Zhdanov Pavel Buivol WIN LOSS
Pool4 Igor Vinogradov Molchanov Sergey LOSS WIN
Pool4 Аlexey Zhdanov Pavel Sergeev LOSS WIN
Pool4 Pavel Buivol Molchanov Sergey LOSS WIN
Pool4 Pavel Sergeev Igor Vinogradov WIN LOSS
Pool4 Molchanov Sergey Аlexey Zhdanov LOSS WIN
Pool4 Pavel Sergeev Pavel Buivol WIN LOSS
Pool4 Igor Vinogradov Аlexey Zhdanov LOSS WIN
Pool5 Mikhail Vinokurov Aleksey Grunsky DRAW DRAW
Pool5 Sergey Stepanov Mikhail Vladov WIN LOSS
Pool5 Mikhail Vinokurov Viktor Nikulin LOSS WIN
Pool5 Sergey Stepanov Aleksey Grunsky WIN LOSS
Pool5 Viktor Nikulin Mikhail Vladov WIN LOSS
Pool5 Sergey Stepanov Mikhail Vinokurov WIN LOSS
Pool5 Aleksey Grunsky Mikhail Vladov LOSS WIN
Pool5 Sergey Stepanov Viktor Nikulin WIN LOSS
Pool5 Mikhail Vinokurov Mikhail Vladov LOSS WIN
Pool5 Viktor Nikulin Aleksey Grunsky WIN LOSS
Pool6 Alexey Varaksin Ilia Pribylovskii WIN LOSS
Pool6 Andrey Bannov Alexey Varaksin LOSS WIN
Pool6 Mikhail Fedosov Andrey Bannov LOSS WIN
Pool6 Ilia Pribylovskii Mikhail Fedosov LOSS WIN
Pool6 Andrey Bannov Ilia Pribylovskii DRAW DRAW
Pool6 Mikhail Fedosov Alexey Varaksin LOSS WIN
Pool7 Nikita Popov Alexander Lavrov WIN LOSS
Pool7 Timofey Matrosov Daniil Typanov WIN LOSS
Pool7 Aleksandr Beklemeshev Alexander Lavrov LOSS WIN
Pool7 Nikita Popov Daniil Typanov WIN LOSS
Pool7 Aleksandr Beklemeshev Timofey Matrosov LOSS WIN
Pool7 Daniil Typanov Alexander Lavrov DRAW DRAW
Pool7 Timofey Matrosov Nikita Popov WIN LOSS
Pool7 Aleksandr Beklemeshev Daniil Typanov LOSS WIN
Pool7 Timofey Matrosov Alexander Lavrov WIN LOSS
Pool7 Aleksandr Beklemeshev Nikita Popov LOSS WIN
Pool8 Pavel Speshilov Nikolay Aslamov LOSS WIN
Pool8 Maxim Lychagin Jaroslav Solvev WIN LOSS
Pool8 Nikolay Aslamov Sergey Kruchinin WIN LOSS
Pool8 Maxim Lychagin Pavel Speshilov WIN LOSS
Pool8 Jaroslav Solvev Sergey Kruchinin LOSS WIN
Pool8 Maxim Lychagin Nikolay Aslamov LOSS WIN
Pool8 Jaroslav Solvev Pavel Speshilov LOSS WIN
Pool8 Sergey Kruchinin Maxim Lychagin WIN LOSS
Pool8 Nikolay Aslamov Jaroslav Solvev WIN LOSS
Pool8 Sergey Kruchinin Pavel Speshilov WIN LOSS
Pool9 Nikolay Davydov Kirill Breus LOSS WIN
Pool9 Eetu Röpelinen Anton Belousov WIN LOSS
Pool9 Аlexey Tatsjak Kirill Breus LOSS WIN
Pool9 Nikolay Davydov Eetu Röpelinen WIN LOSS
Pool9 Аlexey Tatsjak Anton Belousov WIN LOSS
Pool9 Eetu Röpelinen Kirill Breus WIN LOSS
Pool9 Nikolay Davydov Anton Belousov WIN LOSS
Pool9 Аlexey Tatsjak Eetu Röpelinen LOSS WIN
Pool9 Anton Belousov Kirill Breus LOSS WIN
Pool9 Аlexey Tatsjak Nikolay Davydov LOSS WIN
Pool10 Vladimir Miroshnichenko Аndrey Burykin WIN LOSS
Pool10 Aleksi Ahola Аndrey Burykin DRAW DRAW
Pool10 Denis Myshagin Aleksi Ahola LOSS WIN
Pool10 Vladimir Miroshnichenko Denis Myshagin DRAW DRAW
Pool10 Aleksi Ahola Vladimir Miroshnichenko LOSS WIN
Pool10 Denis Myshagin Аndrey Burykin WIN LOSS
Pool11 Nikolay Apraksin Vadim Speshilov LOSS WIN
Pool11 Maxim Danilov Ilya Gorelov LOSS WIN
Pool11 Nikolay Apraksin Grigoriy Simakov WIN LOSS
Pool11 Maxim Danilov Vadim Speshilov LOSS WIN
Pool11 Ilya Gorelov Grigoriy Simakov LOSS WIN
Pool11 Nikolay Apraksin Maxim Danilov WIN LOSS
Pool11 Ilya Gorelov Vadim Speshilov LOSS WIN
Pool11 Maxim Danilov Grigoriy Simakov LOSS WIN
Pool11 Nikolay Apraksin Ilya Gorelov DRAW DRAW
Pool11 Grigoriy Simakov Vadim Speshilov LOSS WIN
Eliminations1 Alexander Lavrov Nikolay Aslamov LOSS WIN
Eliminations1 Pavel Sergeev Eetu Röpelinen WIN LOSS
Eliminations1 Maxim Lychagin Kirill Breus LOSS WIN
Eliminations1 Аlexey Zhdanov Dmitry Zuev LOSS WIN
Eliminations1 Mikhail Fedosov Sergei Geraskin LOSS WIN
Eliminations1 Viktor Nikulin Nikolay Apraksin DRAW DRAW
Eliminations1 Denis Myshagin Vadim Speshilov LOSS WIN
Eliminations1 Simo-Pekka Leppänen Alexander Patrukhin LOSS WIN
Eliminations2 Nikolay Aslamov Pavel Sergeev WIN LOSS
Eliminations2 Dmitry Zuev Kirill Breus DRAW DRAW
Eliminations2 Alexander Patrukhin Vadim Speshilov LOSS WIN
Eliminations3 Sergei Geraskin Vadim Speshilov WIN LOSS
Eliminations1 Vladimir Poliakov Alexey Borisov LOSS WIN
Eliminations1 Molchanov Sergey Nikolay Davydov LOSS WIN
Eliminations1 Timofey Matrosov Aleksi Ahola WIN LOSS
Eliminations1 Grigoriy Simakov Dmitry Ljulja LOSS WIN
Eliminations1 Daniil Typanov Alexey Varaksin LOSS WIN
Eliminations1 Vladimir Miroshnichenko Nikita Popov WIN LOSS
Eliminations1 Andrey Bannov Sergey Stepanov LOSS WIN
Eliminations1 Mikhail Vladov Sergey Kruchinin WIN LOSS
Eliminations2 Nikolay Davydov Alexey Borisov LOSS WIN
Eliminations2 Dmitry Ljulja Timofey Matrosov LOSS WIN
Eliminations2 Vladimir Miroshnichenko Alexey Varaksin LOSS WIN
Eliminations2 Mikhail Vladov Sergey Stepanov LOSS WIN
Eliminations3 Alexey Borisov Timofey Matrosov WIN LOSS
Eliminations3 Alexey Varaksin Sergey Stepanov WIN LOSS
Finals Alexey Borisov Alexey Varaksin WIN LOSS
Finals Nikolay Aslamov Alexey Borisov WIN LOSS
Finals Sergei Geraskin Nikolay Aslamov WIN LOSS
Finals Alexey Varaksin Sergei Geraskin LOSS WIN
Finals Nikolay Aslamov Alexey Varaksin LOSS WIN
Finals Alexey Borisov Sergei Geraskin LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool1 Olga Balenko Alsu Saifutdinova LOSS WIN
Pool1 Alsu Saifutdinova Аnastasiya Kuznetsova WIN LOSS
Pool1 Viktoriya Polyakova Аnastasiya Kuznetsova WIN LOSS
Pool1 Olga Balenko Viktoriya Polyakova WIN LOSS
Pool1 Olga Balenko Аnastasiya Kuznetsova WIN LOSS
Pool1 Viktoriya Polyakova Alsu Saifutdinova LOSS WIN
Pool2 Anastasia Volkova Sofia Mikhalevich DRAW DRAW
Pool2 Anastasia Volkova Hélène Georgiou WIN LOSS
Pool2 Dar'ya Murav'eva Hélène Georgiou LOSS WIN
Pool2 Sofia Mikhalevich Dar'ya Murav'eva LOSS WIN
Pool2 Hélène Georgiou Sofia Mikhalevich LOSS WIN
Pool2 Dar'ya Murav'eva Anastasia Volkova WIN LOSS
Pool3 Аnna Solovej Elena Muzurina LOSS WIN
Pool3 Valentina Zueva Elena Muzurina LOSS WIN
Pool3 Valentina Zueva Daria Iliinykh LOSS WIN
Pool3 Аnna Solovej Daria Iliinykh WIN LOSS
Pool3 Valentina Zueva Аnna Solovej LOSS WIN
Pool3 Elena Muzurina Daria Iliinykh WIN LOSS
Pool4 Viktoriya Bavtruk Tatiana Terekhova LOSS WIN
Pool4 Tatiana Terekhova Irina Danilina DRAW DRAW
Pool4 Аnastasiya Ponomareva Irina Danilina WIN LOSS
Pool4 Viktoriya Bavtruk Аnastasiya Ponomareva LOSS WIN
Pool4 Irina Danilina Viktoriya Bavtruk WIN LOSS
Pool4 Аnastasiya Ponomareva Tatiana Terekhova LOSS WIN
Eliminations Dar'ya Murav'eva Alsu Saifutdinova WIN LOSS
Eliminations Olga Balenko Аnna Solovej LOSS WIN
Eliminations Irina Danilina Elena Muzurina LOSS WIN
Eliminations Аnastasiya Ponomareva Tatiana Terekhova LOSS WIN
Finals Elena Muzurina Tatiana Terekhova WIN LOSS
Finals Dar'ya Murav'eva Elena Muzurina LOSS WIN
Finals Аnna Solovej Dar'ya Murav'eva WIN LOSS
Finals Tatiana Terekhova Аnna Solovej WIN LOSS
Finals Dar'ya Murav'eva Tatiana Terekhova LOSS WIN
Finals Elena Muzurina Аnna Solovej WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just FechtTerra 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
4 2 Martin Fabian Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1965.5 35.1
5 Ties Kool Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 1944.6 11.2
26 26 Michael Melnikov Freifechtergilde 1770.3 56.8
33 8 Vasily Moiseenko Freifechtergilde 1753.4 33.5
59 88 Dmitriy Usoltsev Golden Falcon 1688.2 99.9
65 6 Tomáš Sucha Bratislavský šermiarsky spolok 1681.7 10.3
68 13 Miro Lahtela EHMS 1673.7 10.2
98 302 Alexander Ryabov Men With Swords 1644.8 186.9
106 110 Andrey Muzurin CounterTime 1631.4 86.9
112 Akim Boyarinov Steel 1625.7
146 21 Alexey Perkov Tramazzone 1593.6 16.1
189 159 Sergei Geraskin Freifechtergilde 1561.2 79.2
212 36 Petr Vasiliev Golden Falcon 1546.9 16.6
224 61 Andrey Nekrylov Freifechtergilde 1543 31.9
343 740 Sergey Stepanov SFO 1487.5 241.8
362 7 Alexey Varaksin FFC Paladin 1475.5 1.6
375 1470 Vadim Speshilov Ultima Ratio 1469.6 395
382 23 Eetu Röpelinen EHMS 1467.9 14.6
391 167 Kirill Breus Ultima Ratio 1462.8 68
402 156 Andrei Nikitin Freifechtergilde 1459.7 73
403 33 Benjamin Szewczuk La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1458.9 12.1
438 40 Mikhail Vladov Freifechtergilde 1440.1 18.7
440 139 Egor Pravoj Freifechtergilde 1439.1 50.3
447 Timofey Matrosov Freifechtergilde 1438.1
522 Dmitry Pavlov Freifechtergilde 1411.7
525 826 Alexey Borisov CounterTime 1411.3 233
528 52 Dmitry Zuev Freifechtergilde 1410.2 21.9
532 1497 Nikolay Aslamov Men With Swords 1408.8 376.1
561 575 Viktor Nikulin International Academy of Fencing Arts 1399.9 166.8
572 64 Vladislav Sidelnikov Freifechtergilde 1397 23.9
599 36 Nikolay Apraksin Scuola Saint George 1387.8 14.4
619 488 Nikolay Davydov Unterwalden 1381.2 140.1
674 533 Pavel Sergeev Steel 1365.4 150.5
713 64 Nikita Popov CounterTime 1351.5 24.7
792 1252 Vladimir Miroshnichenko Irkutsk Swordfighters Guild 1328.5 299.2
793 Alexander Patrukhin Freifechtergilde 1328.4
921 255 Аlexey Zhdanov Tramazzone 1295.2 71.8
1049 279 Sergey Kruchinin Steel 1257.9 73.1
1142 84 Kirill Cherevko Ultima Ratio 1237.1 26.9
1155 Molchanov Sergey International Academy of Fencing Arts 1233.5
1162 21 Aleksi Ahola EHMS 1231 10.1
1171 560 Dmitry Ljulja Kord 1229.4 132
1300 71 Denis Myshagin CounterTime 1196.2 23.5
1359 27 Daniil Typanov International Academy of Fencing Arts 1183.4 12.6
1387 377 Ilia Pribylovskii CounterTime 1175.1 88.7
1507 1407 Alexander Zhulin Vier Winden 1151.3 321.7
1526 Sergey Ladnov International Academy of Fencing Arts 1146.7
1529 139 Denis Efimov Golden Falcon 1145.9 34.6
1611 121 Аlexey Tatsjak Vier Winden 1129.3 31.9
1718 110 Mikhail Vinokurov RIF 1108.1 13.6
1746 Andrey Bannov Ultima Ratio 1101.5
1758 198 Alexander Lavrov Men With Swords 1099.6 48.7
1855 556 Dmitrii Cherniakov Men With Swords 1079.7 126.3
1859 406 Аndrey Shumilin Freifechtergilde 1078.3 93.8
1920 526 Grigoriy Simakov SFO 1066 119.1
1926 56 Аndrey Burykin Vier Winden 1064.5 4.9
2036 1171 Alexander Balenko Steel 1042.5 320.5
2064 503 Mikhail Fedosov Edinorog 1034.1 115.2
2103 Mikhail Chuyev Wandering Fox 1023.7
2265 550 Ilya Gorelov Tramazzone 990.4 134.8
2320 Maxim Korovay Minsk HEMA Fight Club 980.6
2345 Aleksey Grunsky Tramazzone 975.7
2363 499 Maxim Lychagin Freifechtergilde 973.3 130.2
2386 Pavel Buivol Freifechtergilde 967.2
2515 325 Vladimir Poliakov Historisch Vrijvechten Nederland 940.7 91.3
2675 Anton Belousov Steel 901.5
2768 162 Aleksandr Beklemeshev Unterwalden 879.3 30.4
2791 237 Simo-Pekka Leppänen EHMS 874.3 80.7
2890 Pavel Speshilov Ultima Ratio 847.3
2949 Igor Vinogradov CounterTime 831.5
3070 Nikolay Krylov International Academy of Fencing Arts 798.2
3171 Maxim Danilov International Academy of Fencing Arts 755.7
3223 Aleksey Osipov Ultima Ratio 739.9
3281 Jaroslav Solvev Freifechtergilde 708.3
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 Elena Muzurina CounterTime 1884 50.8
28 12 Аnna Solovej Steel 1497.4 38.7
52 82 Tatiana Terekhova Men With Swords 1429.4 216.3
61 10 Alsu Saifutdinova Tramazzone 1404.3 41.4
73 5 Daria Iliinykh Golden Falcon 1362.3 20
82 16 Hélène Georgiou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1332.2 53.3
99 25 Olga Balenko Steel 1287.9 58.2
124 5 Аnastasiya Ponomareva Steel 1235.8 3.5
127 86 Dar'ya Murav'eva CounterTime 1233.1 195.6
160 37 Anastasia Volkova Freifechtergilde 1165.6 74.4
183 53 Sofia Mikhalevich Schola St. George 1126.7 135.2
201 Irina Danilina Ultima Ratio 1095.2
222 Viktoriya Polyakova Ultima Ratio 1030.3
230 6 Valentina Zueva Vier Winden 1016.5 7.3
237 23 Аnastasiya Kuznetsova Freifechtergilde 997.3 40.2
321 Viktoriya Bavtruk Tramazzone 828.8
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
1 Elena Muzurina CounterTime 1884 50.8
28 12 Аnna Solovej Steel 1497.4 38.7
52 82 Tatiana Terekhova Men With Swords 1429.4 216.3
61 10 Alsu Saifutdinova Tramazzone 1404.3 41.4
73 5 Daria Iliinykh Golden Falcon 1362.3 20
82 16 Hélène Georgiou La Salle d'Armes Escrime Ancienne 1332.2 53.3
99 25 Olga Balenko Steel 1287.9 58.2
124 5 Аnastasiya Ponomareva Steel 1235.8 3.5
127 86 Dar'ya Murav'eva CounterTime 1233.1 195.6
160 37 Anastasia Volkova Freifechtergilde 1165.6 74.4
183 53 Sofia Mikhalevich Schola St. George 1126.7 135.2
201 Irina Danilina Ultima Ratio 1095.2
222 Viktoriya Polyakova Ultima Ratio 1030.3
230 6 Valentina Zueva Vier Winden 1016.5 7.3
237 23 Аnastasiya Kuznetsova Freifechtergilde 997.3 40.2
321 Viktoriya Bavtruk Tramazzone 828.8