November Fechtschule 2018

Date November 25, 2018
Country Australia
State Victoria
City Canterbury
Software HEMA Scorecard (results )

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 51 16
Women's Steel Longsword 15 5

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Matches Justin Anderson David Kent LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Clark Jurisic Lance Kastner LOSS WIN
Pool Matches David Kent Ronald Lee WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Justin Anderson Lance Kastner WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Clark Jurisic Ronald Lee LOSS WIN
Pool Matches David Kent Lance Kastner LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Justin Anderson Ronald Lee LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Clark Jurisic David Kent DRAW DRAW
Pool Matches Ronald Lee Lance Kastner LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Clark Jurisic Justin Anderson WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Jared Ong Bryce Exley WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Thomas Tucker Aidan Kennedy LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Jared Ong Thomas Tucker WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Aidan Kennedy Tim Harris WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Thomas Tucker Tim Harris LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Aidan Kennedy Bryce Exley WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Jared Ong Tim Harris WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Thomas Tucker Bryce Exley LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Aidan Kennedy Jared Ong LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Bryce Exley Tim Harris LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Thomas Forwood Sky Chen WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Joel Thomas Katherine Livingston DRAW DRAW
Pool Matches Daniel Romano Martin Kraskov DRAW DRAW
Pool Matches Joel Thomas Sky Chen LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Martin Kraskov Thomas Forwood LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Katherine Livingston Daniel Romano LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Sky Chen Martin Kraskov WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Joel Thomas Daniel Romano WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Thomas Forwood Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Sky Chen Daniel Romano DRAW DRAW
Pool Matches Katherine Livingston Martin Kraskov LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Thomas Forwood Joel Thomas WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Katherine Livingston Sky Chen LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Daniel Romano Thomas Forwood WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Joel Thomas Martin Kraskov DRAW DRAW
Eighth-Finals Martin Kraskov Katherine Livingston WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Joel Thomas Thomas Tucker WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Tim Harris Joel Thomas WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Ronald Lee Martin Kraskov WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Daniel Romano Clark Jurisic WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Bryce Exley Justin Anderson LOSS WIN
Semifinals Tim Harris Justin Anderson WIN LOSS
Semifinals Ronald Lee Daniel Romano LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Jared Ong Daniel Romano WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Lance Kastner Tim Harris WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Sky Chen David Kent WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Aidan Kennedy Thomas Forwood LOSS WIN
Semifinals Jared Ong Thomas Forwood LOSS WIN
Semifinals Lance Kastner Sky Chen LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Thomas Forwood Sky Chen LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Lance Kastner Jared Ong LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Matches Hannah Cleaveley Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Rhiannon Burns Lisa Cronin WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Hannah Cleaveley Timea Stan LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Katherine Livingston Lisa Cronin WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Timea Stan Rhiannon Burns WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Hannah Cleaveley Lisa Cronin WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Timea Stan Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Hannah Cleaveley Rhiannon Burns LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Lisa Cronin Timea Stan WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Rhiannon Burns Katherine Livingston LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Hannah Cleaveley Lisa Cronin LOSS WIN
Semifinals Katherine Livingston Lisa Cronin WIN LOSS
Semifinals Timea Stan Rhiannon Burns LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Katherine Livingston Rhiannon Burns WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Timea Stan Lisa Cronin LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just November Fechtschule 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
326 126 Sky Chen Order of Zephyr 1492.5 66.1
932 Thomas Forwood Fechtschule Victoria 1288.2
944 230 David Kent Scholar Victoria 1285.5 72.8
1075 1402 Jared Ong Fechtschule Victoria 1248 323.1
1180 Daniel Romano Scholar Victoria 1222.5
1421 404 Lance Kastner Fechtschule Victoria 1164.7 97.8
1436 175 Martin Kraskov Melbourne Fencing Society 1161.1 49.7
1772 Ronald Lee Melbourne Messer Club 1089.8
1898 Aidan Kennedy Fechtschule Victoria 1062.6
2013 Joel Thomas Scholar Victoria 1037.1
2092 547 Tim Harris Fitzroy College of Arms 1016.2 134.7
2118 279 Justin Anderson Fechtschule Victoria 1009.6 69.6
2347 Clark Jurisic Scholar Victoria 966.5
2561 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 921.7
3214 Bryce Exley Scholar Victoria 717.9
3288 Thomas Tucker Scholar Victoria 585.5
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
24 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1517.3
172 Rhiannon Burns Fechtschule Victoria 1137.3
193 Lisa Cronin Fechtschule Victoria 1101.1
228 Timea Stan Fechtschule Victoria 1010.6
284 Hannah Cleaveley Fechtschule Victoria 896.5
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
24 Katherine Livingston Scholar Victoria 1517.3
172 Rhiannon Burns Fechtschule Victoria 1137.3
193 Lisa Cronin Fechtschule Victoria 1101.1
228 Timea Stan Fechtschule Victoria 1010.6
284 Hannah Cleaveley Fechtschule Victoria 896.5