II. Bicornio HEMA Gathering
Date | August 10, 2018 |
Country | Hungary |
City | Debrecen |
Tournament stats
Division | Number of fights | Number of fighters |
Mixed Synthetic Longsword | 21 | 7 |
Mixed Steel Longsword | 53 | 21 |
Women's Steel Longsword | 6 | 3 |
Fighters in event
All 21 fighters
This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.
Mixed Synthetic Longsword - 21 fights
Mixed Steel Longsword - 53 fights
Women's Steel Longsword - 6 fights
Stage | Fighter 1 | Fighter 2 | Fighter 1 result | Fighter 2 result |
Pools | Réka Daniella Magàt | Györgyi Czifra | DOUBLE LOSS | DOUBLE LOSS |
Pools | Györgyi Czifra | Adrienn Rambács | WIN | LOSS |
Pools | Réka Daniella Magàt | Adrienn Rambács | WIN | LOSS |
Pools | Györgyi Czifra | Réka Daniella Magàt | WIN | LOSS |
Pools | Adrienn Rambács | Györgyi Czifra | LOSS | WIN |
Pools | Adrienn Rambács | Réka Daniella Magàt | WIN | LOSS |
Rating outcomes
This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.
Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just II. Bicornio HEMA Gathering
Mixed & Men's Steel Longsword - 21 fighters
Women's Steel Longsword - 3 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
36 | 4 | Györgyi Czifra | Kard Rendje ViSE | 1456.3 | 14.2 | ||
72 | 41 | Réka Daniella Magàt | Ars Ensis | 1335.3 | 132.8 | ||
286 | 47 | Adrienn Rambács | Kard Rendje ViSE | 856 | 153.6 |
Underrepresented Genders & Women's Steel Longsword - 3 fighters
Rank | Name | Nationality | Club | Weighted rating | Confidence | ||
36 | 4 | Györgyi Czifra | Kard Rendje ViSE | 1456.3 | 14.2 | ||
72 | 41 | Réka Daniella Magàt | Ars Ensis | 1335.3 | 132.8 | ||
286 | 47 | Adrienn Rambács | Kard Rendje ViSE | 856 | 153.6 |