1st HERA Event

Date August 25, 2018
Country Australia
State South Australia
City Adelaide

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword (Intermediate) 26 10
Mixed Steel Longsword 49 19
Mixed Steel Single Rapier (Intermediate) 25 7
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 36 16

Fighters in event

Rhys Kinlough Adelaide Sword Academy
Kimito Wynn Adelaide Sword Academy
Matthew Simpson Adelaide Sword Academy
James Handley Adelaide Sword Academy
Mark Holgate Adelaide Sword Academy
Derek Carter Adelaide Sword Academy
Dimitri Blake Adelaide Sword Academy
Christopher Godwin Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola
Daniel Arnold Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola
Toby Lunn Big Tree Combat Academy
Samuel Lewis Big Tree Combat Academy
Lois Spangler Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship
Sean Reichman Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship
Monika Stankiewicz Celerity Fencing Academy
Emma O'Toner Collegium in Armis
Kenneth Yuen Fechtschule Victoria
Justin Jay Mackley Glen Lachlann Estate College of Arms
Kristian Zirnasak Historical European Rapier Academy
Lucien Haines Historical European Rapier Academy
Curtis Wiese Historical European Rapier Academy
Eric Chong Historical European Rapier Academy
James Spottiswoode Ironclad Academy Of The Sword
Darrien Newcombe Ironclad Academy Of The Sword
Benson Sanders-Carter Ironclad Academy Of The Sword
Matthew Pihodnya Ironclad Academy Of The Sword
Allyson Koerber Ironclad Academy Of The Sword
Craig Oats Ironclad Academy Of The Sword
James Taylor Ironclad Academy Of The Sword
Peter Morris Ironclad Academy Of The Sword
Martin Kraskov Melbourne Fencing Society
Edward Craig Melbourne Fencing Society
Daniel Pope Scholar Victoria
Alex Roberson Sword Fighter Gold Coast
Brett Kagan The School of Historical Fencing
Stuart Manahan The School of Historical Fencing
Chris Slee Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Matches Kristian Zirnasak Brett Kagan LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Craig Oats Darrien Newcombe LOSS WIN
Pool Matches James Taylor Brett Kagan LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Craig Oats Kristian Zirnasak LOSS WIN
Pool Matches James Taylor Darrien Newcombe LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Brett Kagan Craig Oats WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Kristian Zirnasak James Taylor DRAW DRAW
Pool Matches Brett Kagan Darrien Newcombe WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Craig Oats James Taylor LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Darrien Newcombe Kristian Zirnasak LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Derek Carter Dimitri Blake LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Dimitri Blake Peter Morris WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Peter Morris Allyson Koerber WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Derek Carter Peter Morris LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Dimitri Blake Allyson Koerber WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Derek Carter Allyson Koerber WIN LOSS
Pool Matches James Handley Dimitri Blake DRAW DRAW
Pool Matches Peter Morris James Handley LOSS WIN
Pool Matches James Handley Derek Carter WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Allyson Koerber James Handley LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Peter Morris James Handley LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Darrien Newcombe Kristian Zirnasak WIN LOSS
Semifinals Darrien Newcombe Brett Kagan LOSS WIN
Semifinals Dimitri Blake James Handley LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Brett Kagan James Handley WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Darrien Newcombe Dimitri Blake LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Matches Martin Kraskov Stuart Manahan WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Matthew Simpson Stuart Manahan WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Martin Kraskov Matthew Simpson LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Christopher Godwin Stuart Manahan WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Benson Sanders-Carter Matthew Simpson WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Matthew Simpson Benson Sanders-Carter LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Benson Sanders-Carter Christopher Godwin LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Benson Sanders-Carter Martin Kraskov WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Matthew Simpson Christopher Godwin LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Stuart Manahan Benson Sanders-Carter LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Christopher Godwin Martin Kraskov WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Matthew Pihodnya Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Rhys Kinlough Matthew Pihodnya WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Mark Holgate Rhys Kinlough LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Rhys Kinlough Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Matthew Pihodnya Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Mark Holgate Emma O'Toner WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Kimito Wynn Daniel Pope LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Samuel Lewis Kimito Wynn LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Daniel Pope Samuel Lewis WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Kimito Wynn Toby Lunn LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Daniel Arnold Samuel Lewis WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Daniel Arnold Toby Lunn WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Daniel Arnold Daniel Pope WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Samuel Lewis Toby Lunn LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Kimito Wynn Daniel Arnold LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Daniel Pope Toby Lunn WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Sean Reichman James Spottiswoode WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Edward Craig James Spottiswoode WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Sean Reichman Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Alex Roberson James Spottiswoode WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Kenneth Yuen Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Alex Roberson Kenneth Yuen WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Kenneth Yuen Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Alex Roberson Edward Craig WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Kenneth Yuen James Spottiswoode WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Alex Roberson Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Kenneth Yuen Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Toby Lunn Daniel Pope WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Matthew Simpson Mark Holgate LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Emma O'Toner Rhys Kinlough WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Christopher Godwin Emma O'Toner WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Mark Holgate Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Benson Sanders-Carter Toby Lunn LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Edward Craig Daniel Arnold LOSS WIN
Semifinals Christopher Godwin Daniel Arnold LOSS WIN
Semifinals Alex Roberson Toby Lunn WIN LOSS
Gold Medal Match Daniel Arnold Alex Roberson WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Christopher Godwin Toby Lunn LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Matches Eric Chong James Spottiswoode LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Matthew Simpson Kristian Zirnasak LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Curtis Wiese Monika Stankiewicz LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Matthew Simpson Eric Chong WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Curtis Wiese James Spottiswoode LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Lucien Haines Kristian Zirnasak LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Curtis Wiese Matthew Simpson LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Lucien Haines Eric Chong WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Monika Stankiewicz James Spottiswoode LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Lucien Haines Curtis Wiese LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Matthew Simpson Monika Stankiewicz WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Eric Chong Kristian Zirnasak LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Monika Stankiewicz Lucien Haines LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Curtis Wiese Kristian Zirnasak LOSS WIN
Pool Matches James Spottiswoode Matthew Simpson WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Monika Stankiewicz Kristian Zirnasak DRAW DRAW
Pool Matches James Spottiswoode Lucien Haines WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Eric Chong Curtis Wiese LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Kristian Zirnasak James Spottiswoode WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Eric Chong Monika Stankiewicz LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Matthew Simpson Lucien Haines WIN LOSS
Semifinals Lucien Haines James Spottiswoode WIN LOSS
Semifinals Matthew Simpson Kristian Zirnasak LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Lucien Haines Kristian Zirnasak LOSS WIN
Bronze Medal Match Matthew Simpson James Spottiswoode WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool Matches Edward Craig Sean Reichman WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Daniel Arnold Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Sean Reichman Daniel Arnold LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Sean Reichman Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Edward Craig Justin Jay Mackley LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Daniel Arnold Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Martin Kraskov Christopher Godwin LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Emma O'Toner Mark Holgate WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Martin Kraskov Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Mark Holgate Martin Kraskov WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Christopher Godwin Mark Holgate WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Emma O'Toner Christopher Godwin LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Brett Kagan Stuart Manahan WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Alex Roberson Kenneth Yuen WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Kenneth Yuen Stuart Manahan LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Alex Roberson Stuart Manahan LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Brett Kagan Alex Roberson WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Kenneth Yuen Brett Kagan LOSS WIN
Pool Matches James Handley Lois Spangler WIN LOSS
Pool Matches Chris Slee James Handley DRAW DRAW
Pool Matches Lois Spangler Chris Slee LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Kimito Wynn Chris Slee LOSS WIN
Pool Matches Lois Spangler Kimito Wynn WIN LOSS
Pool Matches James Handley Kimito Wynn LOSS WIN
Eighth-Finals Emma O'Toner James Handley WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Edward Craig Kimito Wynn WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Mark Holgate Chris Slee WIN LOSS
Eighth-Finals Daniel Arnold Alex Roberson LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Christopher Godwin Alex Roberson WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Brett Kagan Mark Holgate WIN LOSS
Quarterfinals Justin Jay Mackley Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Quarterfinals Stuart Manahan Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
Semifinals Christopher Godwin Emma O'Toner LOSS WIN
Semifinals Brett Kagan Edward Craig LOSS WIN
Gold Medal Match Emma O'Toner Edward Craig WIN LOSS
Bronze Medal Match Brett Kagan Christopher Godwin LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just 1st HERA Event

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
11 3 Christopher Godwin Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola 1828.6 26.8
29 5 Mark Holgate Adelaide Sword Academy 1758 12.2
31 9 Alex Roberson Sword Fighter Gold Coast 1748.9 23.4
39 7 Daniel Pope Scholar Victoria 1727 14
45 6 Toby Lunn Big Tree Combat Academy 1715 15.8
117 173 Daniel Arnold Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola 1600.2 113.8
138 248 Brett Kagan The School of Historical Fencing 1578.9 142.5
175 1 Rhys Kinlough Adelaide Sword Academy 1551.4 6.2
182 55 Emma O'Toner Collegium in Armis 1546 31.7
275 101 Benson Sanders-Carter Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1500.1 60.5
403 120 Edward Craig Melbourne Fencing Society 1430.9 49.5
561 2 Matthew Simpson Adelaide Sword Academy 1370.8 2.2
709 328 James Handley Adelaide Sword Academy 1318 97.4
733 2 Kimito Wynn Adelaide Sword Academy 1311.1 1.5
901 877 Dimitri Blake Adelaide Sword Academy 1258.6 217
914 84 Matthew Pihodnya Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1255.8 25
1029 117 Kenneth Yuen Fechtschule Victoria 1226.2 37.5
1225 187 James Spottiswoode Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1172.8 47.8
1288 28 Sean Reichman Brisbane School of Iberian Swordsmanship 1159.3 12.7
1403 127 Stuart Manahan The School of Historical Fencing 1130.5 26.6
1480 124 Martin Kraskov Melbourne Fencing Society 1113.5 34.3
1510 83 Samuel Lewis Big Tree Combat Academy 1105.7 14.9
1565 711 Darrien Newcombe Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1093.6 173.6
1648 Kristian Zirnasak Historical European Rapier Academy 1076.3
1964 Peter Morris Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 1001.4
2062 James Taylor Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 980.1
2361 Derek Carter Adelaide Sword Academy 906.9
2791 Allyson Koerber Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 771.7
2851 Craig Oats Ironclad Academy Of The Sword 743.6