ÖFHF Austrian Championships 2018

Date May 26, 2018
Country Austria
State Styria
City Graz

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Single Rapier 62 18
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 62 18
Mixed Steel Sabre 68 19
Women's Steel Longsword 29 10
Mixed Steel Longsword 118 32

Fighters in event

Florian Meyer
Christian Leeb Fior della Spada
Werner Marschall Fior della Spada
Andreas Klingelmayer Historisches Fechten Baden
Stefan Fried Historisches Fechten Baden
Marco Gigacher Historisches Fechten Baden
Klaus Brandfellner Historisches Fechten St. Pölten
Doris Hochenauer Historisches Fechten St. Pölten
Stefan Falkensteiner Historisches Fechten St. Pölten
Ulrich Jakubec Historisches Fechten Waldviertel Nord
Georg Mauerhofer INDES Feldbach
Udo Caha INDES Graz
Florian Dieregger INDES Graz
Alexander Posch INDES Graz
Georg Schatzdorfer INDES Graz
Christopher Lipitsch INDES Graz
Christopher Hafner INDES Graz
Peter Pataki INDES Graz
Klara Balic INDES Graz
Dorothea Genstorfer INDES Linz
Michael Kühnel INDES Regensburg
Simon Hotinceanu INDES Salzburg
Nina Ortmayr INDES Salzburg
Johanna Hopfgartner INDES Salzburg
Benedikt Koller INDES Salzburg
Simon Rieger INDES Wien
Axel Mumm Klingenspiel
Darijan Rabuzin PSV-Graz
Rainer Grabitzer PSV-Graz
Gerhild Grabitzer PSV-Graz
Stefan Feichtinger Sprezzatura
Florian Fortner Sprezzatura
Johannes Hlawon Ochs Bamberg
Franz Huber Ochs Pfarrkirchen
Maurine Brimau De Feu et d'Acier
István Havasi Ars Ensis
Mátyás Miskolczi Crosscut Historical Research and Sparring Team
Bence Benedek Ferreus Lupus
Dávid Czégé Filii Solis Történelmi Kardvívó Kör
József Király Kard Rendje ViSE
Balázs Kirschweng Kard Rendje ViSE
András Módos Kard Rendje ViSE
András Berki Kard Rendje ViSE
Györgyi Czifra Kard Rendje ViSE
György Mihály Gonda Kard Rendje ViSE
Aaron Caldarella Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo
Dario Valente Sala della Gorgone
Giulio Campanella Sala della Gorgone
Fioretto Luca Basile Scherma Storica Dolomiti
Robert Ferrier The School voor Historische Schermkunsten
Hans Henrik Engen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister
Marius Rafoshei Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol
Antoni Olbrychski Akademia Szermierzy
Joanna Koprowska Akademia Szermierzy
Mikhail Bakir FFC Paladin


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Final Stefan Feichtinger Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Semi Final Florian Fortner Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Semi Final Stefan Feichtinger Simon Hotinceanu WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Mikhail Bakir Fioretto Luca Basile WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Florian Fortner Giulio Campanella WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Michael Kühnel Simon Hotinceanu LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Werner Marschall Stefan Feichtinger LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Mikhail Bakir Stefan Falkensteiner WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Fioretto Luca Basile Ulrich Jakubec WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Giulio Campanella Franz Huber WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Florian Fortner Aaron Caldarella WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Simon Hotinceanu Christian Leeb WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Robert Ferrier Michael Kühnel LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Werner Marschall Mátyás Miskolczi WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Stefan Feichtinger Dario Valente WIN LOSS
Qualification Nina Ortmayr Stefan Falkensteiner LOSS WIN
Qualification Georg Schatzdorfer Christian Leeb LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Dario Valente Christian Leeb WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Fioretto Luca Basile Florian Fortner LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Giulio Campanella Franz Huber WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Fioretto Luca Basile Christian Leeb WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dario Valente Florian Fortner LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Christian Leeb Franz Huber LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Florian Fortner Giulio Campanella WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Fioretto Luca Basile Franz Huber WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dario Valente Giulio Campanella WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Florian Fortner Christian Leeb WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dario Valente Franz Huber WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Fioretto Luca Basile Giulio Campanella LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Florian Fortner Franz Huber DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool 1 Christian Leeb Giulio Campanella LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Fioretto Luca Basile Dario Valente LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Ulrich Jakubec Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nina Ortmayr Aaron Caldarella LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mátyás Miskolczi Michael Kühnel WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Ulrich Jakubec Aaron Caldarella LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nina Ortmayr Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Ulrich Jakubec Mátyás Miskolczi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Michael Kühnel Nina Ortmayr WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Aaron Caldarella Mátyás Miskolczi WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Michael Kühnel Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Ulrich Jakubec Nina Ortmayr WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mátyás Miskolczi Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Aaron Caldarella Michael Kühnel WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mátyás Miskolczi Nina Ortmayr WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Ulrich Jakubec Michael Kühnel WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mikhail Bakir Aaron Caldarella WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Georg Schatzdorfer Stefan Feichtinger LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Stefan Falkensteiner Simon Hotinceanu LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Robert Ferrier Werner Marschall LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Simon Hotinceanu Georg Schatzdorfer WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Stefan Feichtinger Stefan Falkensteiner WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robert Ferrier Georg Schatzdorfer WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Werner Marschall Stefan Falkensteiner WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robert Ferrier Simon Hotinceanu LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Werner Marschall Stefan Feichtinger LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Georg Schatzdorfer Stefan Falkensteiner LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Robert Ferrier Stefan Feichtinger LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Simon Hotinceanu Werner Marschall WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robert Ferrier Stefan Falkensteiner WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Werner Marschall Georg Schatzdorfer LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Stefan Feichtinger Simon Hotinceanu LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Final Antoni Olbrychski Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Semi Final Giulio Campanella Antoni Olbrychski LOSS WIN
Semi Final Mikhail Bakir Aaron Caldarella WIN LOSS
Quarter Final András Berki Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Aaron Caldarella Christian Leeb WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Johannes Hlawon Antoni Olbrychski LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Giulio Campanella Dario Valente WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Werner Marschall Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Balázs Kirschweng András Berki LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Joanna Koprowska Antoni Olbrychski LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Stefan Falkensteiner Johannes Hlawon LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Stefan Feichtinger Christian Leeb LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Aaron Caldarella Florian Fortner WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Benedikt Koller Giulio Campanella LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Dario Valente Robert Ferrier WIN LOSS
Qualification Georg Schatzdorfer Werner Marschall LOSS WIN
Qualification Andreas Klingelmayer Robert Ferrier LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Florian Fortner Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Werner Marschall Giulio Campanella WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Andreas Klingelmayer Antoni Olbrychski LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Florian Fortner Giulio Campanella WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Mikhail Bakir Werner Marschall WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Florian Fortner Antoni Olbrychski WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Andreas Klingelmayer Werner Marschall WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Antoni Olbrychski Giulio Campanella WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Mikhail Bakir Andreas Klingelmayer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Werner Marschall Florian Fortner LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Antoni Olbrychski Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Andreas Klingelmayer Giulio Campanella LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Werner Marschall Antoni Olbrychski LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Andreas Klingelmayer Florian Fortner LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Mikhail Bakir Giulio Campanella WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Georg Schatzdorfer Aaron Caldarella LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Christian Leeb András Berki DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool 2 Johannes Hlawon Stefan Falkensteiner LOSS WIN
Pool 2 András Berki Georg Schatzdorfer WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Christian Leeb Aaron Caldarella LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Georg Schatzdorfer Stefan Falkensteiner LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Christian Leeb Johannes Hlawon WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Stefan Falkensteiner András Berki WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Aaron Caldarella Johannes Hlawon WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Georg Schatzdorfer Christian Leeb LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Aaron Caldarella Stefan Falkensteiner WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Johannes Hlawon András Berki WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Christian Leeb Stefan Falkensteiner WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Johannes Hlawon Georg Schatzdorfer WIN LOSS
Pool 2 András Berki Aaron Caldarella LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Stefan Feichtinger Dario Valente LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Balázs Kirschweng Benedikt Koller WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robert Ferrier Joanna Koprowska LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Stefan Feichtinger Benedikt Koller WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Balázs Kirschweng Dario Valente LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Robert Ferrier Stefan Feichtinger LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Joanna Koprowska Balázs Kirschweng WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Robert Ferrier Benedikt Koller LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Dario Valente Joanna Koprowska WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Stefan Feichtinger Balázs Kirschweng WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Dario Valente Robert Ferrier WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Benedikt Koller Joanna Koprowska LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Balázs Kirschweng Robert Ferrier WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Stefan Feichtinger Joanna Koprowska LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Dario Valente Benedikt Koller WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Final Antoni Olbrychski Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Semi Final Mikhail Bakir Joanna Koprowska WIN LOSS
Semi Final Alexander Posch Antoni Olbrychski LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Florian Meyer Alexander Posch LOSS WIN
Quarter Final András Módos Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Joanna Koprowska Dario Valente WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Fioretto Luca Basile Antoni Olbrychski LOSS WIN
Eighth Final József Király Axel Mumm DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Eighth Final Michael Kühnel Alexander Posch LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Giulio Campanella Florian Meyer LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Mátyás Miskolczi Joanna Koprowska LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Aaron Caldarella Dario Valente LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Benedikt Koller András Módos LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Mikhail Bakir Klaus Brandfellner WIN LOSS
Qualification Fioretto Luca Basile Franz Huber WIN LOSS
Qualification András Módos Johanna Hopfgartner WIN LOSS
Qualification Peter Pataki Klaus Brandfellner LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Aaron Caldarella Michael Kühnel LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Giulio Campanella András Módos WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Axel Mumm Johanna Hopfgartner WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Aaron Caldarella Antoni Olbrychski LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Michael Kühnel András Módos WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Johanna Hopfgartner Giulio Campanella LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Axel Mumm Antoni Olbrychski LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Aaron Caldarella András Módos WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Michael Kühnel Johanna Hopfgartner LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Giulio Campanella Axel Mumm WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Antoni Olbrychski András Módos WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Aaron Caldarella Johanna Hopfgartner WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Michael Kühnel Axel Mumm WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Antoni Olbrychski Giulio Campanella WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Johanna Hopfgartner András Módos WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Axel Mumm Aaron Caldarella LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Giulio Campanella Michael Kühnel WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Antoni Olbrychski Johanna Hopfgartner WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Axel Mumm András Módos WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Giulio Campanella Aaron Caldarella WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Michael Kühnel Antoni Olbrychski LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Joanna Koprowska Mátyás Miskolczi WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Alexander Posch Dario Valente LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Franz Huber Fioretto Luca Basile WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Mátyás Miskolczi Dario Valente WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Joanna Koprowska Alexander Posch LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mátyás Miskolczi Franz Huber DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool 2 Alexander Posch Fioretto Luca Basile WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Dario Valente Franz Huber WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Fioretto Luca Basile Joanna Koprowska LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Alexander Posch Mátyás Miskolczi LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Franz Huber Joanna Koprowska LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Fioretto Luca Basile Dario Valente LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Franz Huber Alexander Posch LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Mátyás Miskolczi Fioretto Luca Basile WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Dario Valente Joanna Koprowska LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Florian Meyer Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Klaus Brandfellner Peter Pataki LOSS WIN
Pool 3 József Király Benedikt Koller LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Klaus Brandfellner Florian Meyer LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Mikhail Bakir Peter Pataki WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Benedikt Koller Florian Meyer LOSS WIN
Pool 3 József Király Peter Pataki WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Klaus Brandfellner Benedikt Koller WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Mikhail Bakir József Király WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Florian Meyer Peter Pataki WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Mikhail Bakir Benedikt Koller WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Klaus Brandfellner József Király LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Benedikt Koller Peter Pataki WIN LOSS
Pool 3 József Király Florian Meyer LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Klaus Brandfellner Mikhail Bakir LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Final Joanna Koprowska Györgyi Czifra LOSS WIN
Semi Final Györgyi Czifra Maurine Brimau WIN LOSS
Semi Final Gerhild Grabitzer Joanna Koprowska LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Doris Hochenauer Maurine Brimau LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Anonymous fighter Joanna Koprowska LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Johanna Hopfgartner Györgyi Czifra LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Gerhild Grabitzer Nina Ortmayr WIN LOSS
Qualification Dorothea Genstorfer Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Qualification Doris Hochenauer Klara Balic WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Györgyi Czifra Doris Hochenauer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Johanna Hopfgartner Joanna Koprowska LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Anonymous fighter Györgyi Czifra LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Johanna Hopfgartner Doris Hochenauer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Joanna Koprowska Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Johanna Hopfgartner Györgyi Czifra DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool 1 Anonymous fighter Doris Hochenauer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Györgyi Czifra Joanna Koprowska LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Johanna Hopfgartner Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Joanna Koprowska Doris Hochenauer WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Klara Balic Maurine Brimau LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Gerhild Grabitzer Dorothea Genstorfer WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Klara Balic Nina Ortmayr LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Maurine Brimau Dorothea Genstorfer WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Nina Ortmayr Gerhild Grabitzer LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Klara Balic Dorothea Genstorfer WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Maurine Brimau Nina Ortmayr WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Klara Balic Gerhild Grabitzer LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Nina Ortmayr Dorothea Genstorfer WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Maurine Brimau Gerhild Grabitzer DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Final Michael Kühnel Bence Benedek LOSS WIN
Semi Final József Király Bence Benedek LOSS WIN
Semi Final Michael Kühnel Marius Rafoshei WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Simon Rieger József Király LOSS WIN
Quarter Final István Havasi Bence Benedek LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Balázs Kirschweng Marius Rafoshei LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Marco Gigacher Michael Kühnel LOSS WIN
Eighth Final András Berki Bence Benedek LOSS WIN
Eighth Final István Havasi András Módos WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Georg Mauerhofer Simon Rieger LOSS WIN
Eighth Final József Király Klaus Brandfellner WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Darijan Rabuzin Marius Rafoshei LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Johanna Hopfgartner Balázs Kirschweng LOSS WIN
Eighth Final Marco Gigacher Ulrich Jakubec WIN LOSS
Eighth Final Dávid Czégé Michael Kühnel LOSS WIN
16th Final Simon Rieger Nina Ortmayr WIN LOSS
16th Final Georg Mauerhofer György Mihály Gonda WIN LOSS
16th Final József Király Rainer Grabitzer WIN LOSS
16th Final Klaus Brandfellner Hans Henrik Engen WIN LOSS
16th Final András Berki Doris Hochenauer WIN LOSS
16th Final Stefan Fried Bence Benedek LOSS WIN
16th Final István Havasi Györgyi Czifra WIN LOSS
16th Final Christopher Hafner András Módos LOSS WIN
16th Final Anonymous fighter Marius Rafoshei LOSS WIN
16th Final Darijan Rabuzin Udo Caha WIN LOSS
16th Final Balázs Kirschweng Fioretto Luca Basile WIN LOSS
16th Final Christopher Lipitsch Johanna Hopfgartner LOSS WIN
16th Final Ulrich Jakubec Florian Dieregger WIN LOSS
16th Final Marco Gigacher Benedikt Koller WIN LOSS
16th Final Michael Kühnel Alexander Posch WIN LOSS
16th Final Peter Pataki Dávid Czégé LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Ulrich Jakubec Dávid Czégé LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Peter Pataki Johanna Hopfgartner LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Rainer Grabitzer Alexander Posch LOSS WIN
Pool 1 György Mihály Gonda Ulrich Jakubec DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pool 1 Dávid Czégé Johanna Hopfgartner WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Peter Pataki Rainer Grabitzer LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Alexander Posch György Mihály Gonda LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Johanna Hopfgartner Ulrich Jakubec WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dávid Czégé Rainer Grabitzer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Peter Pataki Alexander Posch LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Johanna Hopfgartner György Mihály Gonda WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Rainer Grabitzer Ulrich Jakubec LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Alexander Posch Dávid Czégé LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Peter Pataki György Mihály Gonda LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Rainer Grabitzer Johanna Hopfgartner WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Alexander Posch Ulrich Jakubec WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Dávid Czégé Peter Pataki WIN LOSS
Pool 1 György Mihály Gonda Rainer Grabitzer WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Johanna Hopfgartner Alexander Posch WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Peter Pataki Ulrich Jakubec LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Dávid Czégé György Mihály Gonda WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Klaus Brandfellner András Módos LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Györgyi Czifra Christopher Hafner WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Georg Mauerhofer Michael Kühnel LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Marco Gigacher Klaus Brandfellner LOSS WIN
Pool 2 András Módos Christopher Hafner WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Georg Mauerhofer Györgyi Czifra WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Michael Kühnel Marco Gigacher LOSS WIN
Pool 2 Klaus Brandfellner Christopher Hafner WIN LOSS
Pool 2 András Módos Georg Mauerhofer WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Michael Kühnel Györgyi Czifra WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Marco Gigacher Christopher Hafner WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Georg Mauerhofer Klaus Brandfellner WIN LOSS
Pool 2 András Módos Michael Kühnel WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Marco Gigacher Györgyi Czifra WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Christopher Hafner Georg Mauerhofer WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Michael Kühnel Klaus Brandfellner LOSS WIN
Pool 2 András Módos Györgyi Czifra WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Georg Mauerhofer Marco Gigacher WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Michael Kühnel Christopher Hafner WIN LOSS
Pool 2 Klaus Brandfellner Györgyi Czifra WIN LOSS
Pool 2 András Módos Marco Gigacher WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Nina Ortmayr Balázs Kirschweng LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Darijan Rabuzin Simon Rieger LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Hans Henrik Engen Udo Caha WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Simon Rieger Balázs Kirschweng WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Darijan Rabuzin Nina Ortmayr WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Hans Henrik Engen Balázs Kirschweng LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Darijan Rabuzin Udo Caha WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Hans Henrik Engen Simon Rieger LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Nina Ortmayr Udo Caha LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Darijan Rabuzin Balázs Kirschweng WIN LOSS
Pool 3 Nina Ortmayr Hans Henrik Engen LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Udo Caha Simon Rieger LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Hans Henrik Engen Darijan Rabuzin LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Udo Caha Balázs Kirschweng LOSS WIN
Pool 3 Simon Rieger Nina Ortmayr WIN LOSS
Pool 4 András Berki Marius Rafoshei LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Fioretto Luca Basile Bence Benedek LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Anonymous fighter Christopher Lipitsch WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Fioretto Luca Basile András Berki LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Marius Rafoshei Bence Benedek WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Anonymous fighter András Berki LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Christopher Lipitsch Bence Benedek LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Anonymous fighter Fioretto Luca Basile LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Christopher Lipitsch Marius Rafoshei WIN LOSS
Pool 4 András Berki Bence Benedek LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Anonymous fighter Marius Rafoshei LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Fioretto Luca Basile Christopher Lipitsch LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Bence Benedek Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Pool 4 Christopher Lipitsch András Berki LOSS WIN
Pool 4 Marius Rafoshei Fioretto Luca Basile WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Benedikt Koller Stefan Fried WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Doris Hochenauer Florian Dieregger LOSS WIN
Pool 5 József Király István Havasi LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Florian Dieregger Stefan Fried LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Benedikt Koller Doris Hochenauer WIN LOSS
Pool 5 József Király Stefan Fried WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Doris Hochenauer István Havasi WIN LOSS
Pool 5 József Király Florian Dieregger LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Benedikt Koller István Havasi LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Doris Hochenauer Stefan Fried WIN LOSS
Pool 5 József Király Benedikt Koller WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Florian Dieregger István Havasi LOSS WIN
Pool 5 József Király Doris Hochenauer WIN LOSS
Pool 5 Stefan Fried István Havasi LOSS WIN
Pool 5 Florian Dieregger Benedikt Koller WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just ÖFHF Austrian Championships 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
156 80 Michael Kühnel INDES Regensburg 1551.3 77.6
175 6 Simon Rieger INDES Wien 1539.1 8
251 87 András Módos Kard Rendje ViSE 1500 49.1
321 175 Bence Benedek Ferreus Lupus 1463.7 88.2
420 118 Marius Rafoshei Kunst des Historischen Fechtens Tirol 1414.3 57.5
463 364 Rainer Grabitzer PSV-Graz 1395 210.8
494 119 István Havasi Ars Ensis 1381.8 55.8
665 474 Dávid Czégé Filii Solis Történelmi Kardvívó Kör 1316.4 148.7
694 71 Balázs Kirschweng Kard Rendje ViSE 1310.2 32.5
708 Darijan Rabuzin PSV-Graz 1306.8
724 385 Stefan Fried Historisches Fechten Baden 1301.6 148.7
799 Marco Gigacher Historisches Fechten Baden 1276
889 269 József Király Kard Rendje ViSE 1250 86.6
900 Klaus Brandfellner Historisches Fechten St. Pölten 1248.5
1007 615 Georg Mauerhofer INDES Feldbach 1215.8 167.8
1018 425 Johanna Hopfgartner INDES Salzburg 1212.9 124.2
1070 31 Hans Henrik Engen Fekteklubben Frie Duellister 1195.4 2
1245 135 András Berki Kard Rendje ViSE 1152 47.1
1416 194 Ulrich Jakubec Historisches Fechten Waldviertel Nord 1112.1 60.8
1497 György Mihály Gonda Kard Rendje ViSE 1093.4
1521 746 Alexander Posch INDES Graz 1085.5 208
1692 740 Florian Dieregger INDES Graz 1049.6 223.8
1725 189 Benedikt Koller INDES Salzburg 1040.3 68.9
1932 73 Györgyi Czifra Kard Rendje ViSE 988.3 1.9
1957 181 Udo Caha INDES Graz 982.4 21.7
2038 Doris Hochenauer Historisches Fechten St. Pölten 961.6
2150 102 Fioretto Luca Basile Scherma Storica Dolomiti 936.6 1.5
2170 Christopher Lipitsch INDES Graz 931.3
2194 Christopher Hafner INDES Graz 923.6
2716 143 Nina Ortmayr INDES Salzburg 749.8 13
2796 Peter Pataki INDES Graz 698.1
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
7 6 Joanna Koprowska Akademia Szermierzy 1642.8 115.6
13 6 Maurine Brimau De Feu et d'Acier 1520.3 21.3
19 23 Gerhild Grabitzer PSV-Graz 1498.1 86.5
20 31 Györgyi Czifra Kard Rendje ViSE 1496.6 109.9
21 9 Johanna Hopfgartner INDES Salzburg 1495.7 33.8
109 13 Nina Ortmayr INDES Salzburg 1227.7 50.8
191 Doris Hochenauer Historisches Fechten St. Pölten 1018.6
216 Klara Balic INDES Graz 970.2
267 25 Dorothea Genstorfer INDES Linz 862.6 27.8
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
7 6 Joanna Koprowska Akademia Szermierzy 1642.8 115.6
13 6 Maurine Brimau De Feu et d'Acier 1520.3 21.3
19 23 Gerhild Grabitzer PSV-Graz 1498.1 86.5
20 31 Györgyi Czifra Kard Rendje ViSE 1496.6 109.9
21 9 Johanna Hopfgartner INDES Salzburg 1495.7 33.8
109 13 Nina Ortmayr INDES Salzburg 1227.7 50.8
191 Doris Hochenauer Historisches Fechten St. Pölten 1018.6
216 Klara Balic INDES Graz 970.2
267 25 Dorothea Genstorfer INDES Linz 862.6 27.8