Study in Steel 2018

Date April 27, 2018
Country United States
State South Carolina
City Greenville

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 123 52
Women's Steel Longsword 17 6

Fighters in event

Greg Tsagris Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing
Martin Niggemeier Sword Carolina
Daniel Leon
Dalton Randall
Jean Baptiste Vinluan
Ricardo Camaran Athens School of Arms
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Keith Cotter-Reilly Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Marcus Lewis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
David Morgan Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Jonathan Shores Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Sam Kowalski Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Matthew Stinson Bold City Longsword
Dani Rosemund Bold City Longsword
Erik Shinkle Bold City Longsword
Norbert Nagy Bold City Longsword
Sam Spruill Clemson Longsword
Jayson Barrons Denver Historical Fencing Academy
Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica
Patrick McCaffrey L'Arte NYC Historical Fencing
Alexander Datta Mid-South Fencers Club
Samuel Orndorff Nashville School of Historical Fencing
Alexander Brindley Nashville School of Historical Fencing
Donald Kullman Nashville School of Historical Fencing
Richard Vang New York Historical Fencing Association
Maximilian Striepe New York Historical Fencing Association
Ed Sleight Ritterkunst Fechtschule
Randy Moore Rocket City HEMA
John McCain Rocket City HEMA
Walker Skaggs Rocket City HEMA
Aaron Karnuta Salida Historical Fencing Academy
Travis Chan Schola St. George
Zachary Springer Schola St. George
Ed Wells Schola St. George
Benjamin Eades Schola St. George
Jonas Mitchell Scots-Irish Warrior Arts
Ashley Polasek Sword Carolina
Ashley Hanks Sword Carolina
Thomas Hanks Sword Carolina
Geoff Aldrich Sword Carolina
Kasey McClelland Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship
Mary Mooney Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship
Jeffrey Nunez Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship
Shane Meeks Triangle Sword Guild
Andrew Magee Triangle Sword Guild
Jason Pajski Triangle Sword Guild
Joshua Wiest Triangle Sword Guild
Tobias Cashion Triangle Sword Guild
Kurt Holtfreter Triangle Sword Guild
Jesse Mulky Triangle Sword Guild
Krys Earles Warriors of Ash
Broderick Stocks Warriors of Ash
Connor Perrett Warriors of Ash


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Erik Shinkle Donald Kullman WIN LOSS
Pools Sam Kowalski John McCain WIN LOSS
Pools Erik Shinkle John McCain WIN LOSS
Pools Aaron Karnuta Donald Kullman WIN LOSS
Pools John McCain Aaron Karnuta LOSS WIN
Pools Sam Kowalski Erik Shinkle WIN LOSS
Pools Aaron Karnuta Sam Kowalski WIN LOSS
Pools John McCain Donald Kullman WIN LOSS
Pools Sam Kowalski Donald Kullman WIN LOSS
Pools Erik Shinkle Aaron Karnuta LOSS WIN
Pools Benjamin Eades Samuel Orndorff WIN LOSS
Pools Randy Moore Geoff Aldrich DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Samuel Orndorff Geoff Aldrich WIN LOSS
Pools Andrew Magee Geoff Aldrich WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Eades Andrew Magee WIN LOSS
Pools Randy Moore Samuel Orndorff WIN LOSS
Pools Andrew Magee Randy Moore WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Eades Geoff Aldrich WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Eades Randy Moore LOSS WIN
Pools Samuel Orndorff Andrew Magee LOSS WIN
Pools Thomas Hanks Ed Sleight WIN LOSS
Pools Jason Pajski Patrick McCaffrey LOSS WIN
Pools Thomas Hanks Jason Pajski LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Leon Ed Sleight WIN LOSS
Pools Jason Pajski Daniel Leon WIN LOSS
Pools Thomas Hanks Patrick McCaffrey LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Leon Patrick McCaffrey LOSS WIN
Pools Jason Pajski Ed Sleight WIN LOSS
Pools Ed Sleight Patrick McCaffrey WIN LOSS
Pools Thomas Hanks Daniel Leon WIN LOSS
Pools Norbert Nagy Kasey McClelland LOSS WIN
Pools Martin Niggemeier Kurt Holtfreter WIN LOSS
Pools Norbert Nagy Kurt Holtfreter WIN LOSS
Pools Jonas Mitchell Kurt Holtfreter DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Pools Martin Niggemeier Norbert Nagy LOSS WIN
Pools Jonas Mitchell Martin Niggemeier LOSS WIN
Pools Kasey McClelland Kurt Holtfreter LOSS WIN
Pools Martin Niggemeier Kasey McClelland WIN LOSS
Pools Norbert Nagy Jonas Mitchell WIN LOSS
Pools Jeffrey Nunez Ashley Polasek LOSS WIN
Pools Jayson Barrons Ed Wells WIN LOSS
Pools Ed Wells Rebecca Glass LOSS WIN
Pools Ashley Polasek Alexander Datta LOSS WIN
Pools Alexander Datta Ed Wells WIN LOSS
Pools Joshua Wiest Jayson Barrons WIN LOSS
Pools Alexander Datta Jayson Barrons LOSS WIN
Pools Ashley Polasek Ed Wells WIN LOSS
Pools Jayson Barrons Ashley Polasek WIN LOSS
Pools Alexander Datta Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
Pools Rebecca Glass Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
Pools Joshua Wiest Jeffrey Nunez WIN LOSS
Pools Marcus Lewis Jeffrey Nunez WIN LOSS
Pools Jeffrey Nunez Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pools Joshua Wiest Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
Pools Rebecca Glass Joshua Wiest LOSS WIN
Pools Tobias Cashion Mary Mooney WIN LOSS
Pools Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Matthew Stinson WIN LOSS
Pools Tobias Cashion Matthew Stinson WIN LOSS
Pools Mary Mooney Broderick Stocks LOSS WIN
Pools Broderick Stocks Matthew Stinson LOSS WIN
Pools Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Tobias Cashion WIN LOSS
Pools Broderick Stocks Mckenzie Adlai Ewing LOSS WIN
Pools Matthew Stinson Mary Mooney WIN LOSS
Pools Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Mary Mooney WIN LOSS
Pools Broderick Stocks Tobias Cashion DRAW DRAW
Pools Shane Meeks David Morgan WIN LOSS
Pools Connor Perrett David Morgan LOSS WIN
Pools Maximilian Striepe Shane Meeks DRAW DRAW
Pools Connor Perrett Maximilian Striepe LOSS WIN
Pools David Morgan Maximilian Striepe LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Perrett Shane Meeks LOSS WIN
Pools Walker Skaggs Krys Earles WIN LOSS
Pools Sam Spruill Richard Vang WIN LOSS
Pools Walker Skaggs Richard Vang WIN LOSS
Pools Krys Earles Jonathan Shores LOSS WIN
Pools Richard Vang Jonathan Shores LOSS WIN
Pools Sam Spruill Walker Skaggs LOSS WIN
Pools Jonathan Shores Sam Spruill WIN LOSS
Pools Richard Vang Krys Earles WIN LOSS
Pools Sam Spruill Krys Earles WIN LOSS
Pools Walker Skaggs Jonathan Shores DRAW DRAW
Pools Dalton Randall Zachary Springer LOSS WIN
Pools Ricardo Camaran Greg Tsagris LOSS WIN
Pools Greg Tsagris Zachary Springer LOSS WIN
Pools Alexander Brindley Dalton Randall LOSS WIN
Pools Greg Tsagris Alexander Brindley WIN LOSS
Pools Ricardo Camaran Zachary Springer WIN LOSS
Pools Alexander Brindley Ricardo Camaran LOSS WIN
Pools Dalton Randall Greg Tsagris WIN LOSS
Pools Ricardo Camaran Dalton Randall WIN LOSS
Pools Alexander Brindley Zachary Springer LOSS WIN
Pools Travis Chan Jean Baptiste Vinluan LOSS WIN
Pools Keith Cotter-Reilly Jesse Mulky WIN LOSS
Pools Travis Chan Jesse Mulky WIN LOSS
Pools Dani Rosemund Jean Baptiste Vinluan WIN LOSS
Pools Jesse Mulky Dani Rosemund LOSS WIN
Pools Keith Cotter-Reilly Travis Chan WIN LOSS
Pools Dani Rosemund Keith Cotter-Reilly LOSS WIN
Pools Jean Baptiste Vinluan Jesse Mulky LOSS WIN
Pools Keith Cotter-Reilly Jean Baptiste Vinluan WIN LOSS
Pools Travis Chan Dani Rosemund WIN LOSS
Top 20 Keith Cotter-Reilly Sam Kowalski LOSS WIN
Top 20 Benjamin Eades Patrick McCaffrey LOSS WIN
Top 20 Norbert Nagy Alexander Datta WIN LOSS
Top 20 Marcus Lewis Tobias Cashion WIN LOSS
Top 20 Shane Meeks Walker Skaggs LOSS WIN
Top 20 Travis Chan Zachary Springer LOSS WIN
Top 16 Sam Kowalski Aaron Karnuta WIN LOSS
Top 16 Andrew Magee Jason Pajski WIN LOSS
Top 16 Martin Niggemeier Patrick McCaffrey WIN LOSS
Top 16 Norbert Nagy Jayson Barrons LOSS WIN
Top 16 Marcus Lewis Joshua Wiest WIN LOSS
Top 16 Maximilian Striepe Mckenzie Adlai Ewing LOSS WIN
Top 16 Walker Skaggs Jonathan Shores LOSS WIN
Top 16 Ricardo Camaran Zachary Springer LOSS WIN
Top 8 Andrew Magee Sam Kowalski LOSS WIN
Top 8 Jayson Barrons Martin Niggemeier WIN LOSS
Top 8 Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
Top 8 Jonathan Shores Zachary Springer LOSS WIN
Top 4 Jayson Barrons Sam Kowalski WIN LOSS
Top 4 Zachary Springer Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
Gold Match Marcus Lewis Jayson Barrons LOSS WIN
Bronze Match Sam Kowalski Zachary Springer LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Ashley Hanks Ashley Polasek LOSS WIN
Pools Mary Mooney Ashley Polasek LOSS WIN
Pools Rebecca Glass Ashley Polasek LOSS WIN
Pools Dani Rosemund Ashley Polasek WIN LOSS
Pools Ashley Polasek Krys Earles WIN LOSS
Pools Dani Rosemund Ashley Hanks WIN LOSS
Pools Ashley Hanks Mary Mooney WIN LOSS
Pools Krys Earles Ashley Hanks LOSS WIN
Pools Ashley Hanks Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pools Dani Rosemund Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pools Rebecca Glass Krys Earles WIN LOSS
Pools Mary Mooney Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Pools Krys Earles Mary Mooney DRAW DRAW
Pools Mary Mooney Dani Rosemund LOSS WIN
Pools Krys Earles Dani Rosemund LOSS WIN
Finals Ashley Hanks Mary Mooney LOSS WIN
Finals Dani Rosemund Ashley Polasek WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Study in Steel 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
9 2 Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1837 10.9
20 3 Marcus Lewis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1776.1 15.7
72 14 Aaron Karnuta Salida Historical Fencing Academy 1635.6 25.6
104 2 Zachary Springer Schola St. George 1599.8 12.4
120 40 Jayson Barrons Denver Historical Fencing Academy 1575.7 38.1
211 12 Martin Niggemeier Sword Carolina 1516 15.1
230 27 Keith Cotter-Reilly Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1506.7 3.9
236 66 Sam Kowalski Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1502.6 44.5
469 206 Kurt Holtfreter Triangle Sword Guild 1384.4 93.3
474 56 Tobias Cashion Triangle Sword Guild 1382.3 9.7
483 1 Walker Skaggs Rocket City HEMA 1379.9 9.9
515 10 Patrick McCaffrey L'Arte NYC Historical Fencing 1369.5 9.7
643 6 Jason Pajski Triangle Sword Guild 1316.6 9.1
660 Norbert Nagy Bold City Longsword 1313.3
663 97 Andrew Magee Triangle Sword Guild 1312.7 46.9
688 445 Greg Tsagris Dueling Weapons Academy of Renaissance Fencing 1304.6 155.5
728 800 Joshua Wiest Triangle Sword Guild 1290.9 245.7
849 10 Matthew Stinson Bold City Longsword 1252.5 18.7
894 308 Ricardo Camaran Athens School of Arms 1239.9 108.7
923 353 Jonathan Shores Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1231.5 118.5
943 157 Jeffrey Nunez Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1224.7 31.4
965 109 David Morgan Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1217.6 17.5
1033 223 Shane Meeks Triangle Sword Guild 1195.7 77.5
1058 2 Thomas Hanks Sword Carolina 1189.1 19.7
1092 500 Maximilian Striepe New York Historical Fencing Association 1179.3 151.8
1122 168 Richard Vang New York Historical Fencing Association 1171.1 30.2
1192 20 Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica 1153.5 13.8
1222 Erik Shinkle Bold City Longsword 1145.1
1280 Dalton Randall N/A 1129.3
1314 637 Benjamin Eades Schola St. George 1121.7 190
1349 Randy Moore Rocket City HEMA 1113.7
1350 223 Dani Rosemund Bold City Longsword 1113.6 79.2
1438 Travis Chan Schola St. George 1090.1
1522 243 Sam Spruill Clemson Longsword 1072.4 90.6
1549 107 Ashley Polasek Sword Carolina 1065.7 59.9
1638 273 Samuel Orndorff Nashville School of Historical Fencing 1042.5 44.8
1689 462 Alexander Datta Mid-South Fencers Club 1028.5 160.3
1741 174 Daniel Leon N/A 1011 24.4
1749 206 Broderick Stocks Warriors of Ash 1009.4 79.4
1750 John McCain Rocket City HEMA 1009.1
1947 345 Alexander Brindley Nashville School of Historical Fencing 963 57.6
1949 369 Geoff Aldrich Sword Carolina 962.8 69.8
2075 123 Kasey McClelland Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 933.4 81.5
2134 73 Jesse Mulky Triangle Sword Guild 914.4 64.4
2229 197 Ed Sleight Ritterkunst Fechtschule 890.4 135.6
2281 Jean Baptiste Vinluan N/A 874.1
2285 Donald Kullman Nashville School of Historical Fencing 873.2
2364 299 Ed Wells Schola St. George 849.1 48
2400 Jonas Mitchell Scots-Irish Warrior Arts 839.4
2549 206 Krys Earles Warriors of Ash 777.6 19.1
2588 186 Mary Mooney Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 755.4 9.3
2646 Connor Perrett Warriors of Ash 730.2
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
10 25 Dani Rosemund Bold City Longsword 1545.3 129.2
79 22 Ashley Polasek Sword Carolina 1290.4 81.8
98 9 Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica 1239.5 2.7
133 Ashley Hanks Sword Carolina 1150.1 35.9
176 43 Mary Mooney Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1036.8 153
259 2 Krys Earles Warriors of Ash 854.2 89.8
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
10 25 Dani Rosemund Bold City Longsword 1545.3 129.2
79 22 Ashley Polasek Sword Carolina 1290.4 81.8
98 9 Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica 1239.5 2.7
133 Ashley Hanks Sword Carolina 1150.1 35.9
176 43 Mary Mooney Swordwind Historical Swordsmanship 1036.8 153
259 2 Krys Earles Warriors of Ash 854.2 89.8