VI Budapest MHS nylon és feder Kardvívó torna

Date August 12, 2017
Country Hungary
City Budapest

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 45 11

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pool 1 Jakub Dobi Bence László Tarr WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Olivér Garas Péter Kottyán LOSS WIN
Pool 1 József Király Gábor Magát LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Richárd Pávay Bence László Tarr WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Bence Benedek István Havasi WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Olivér Garas József Király WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Zsolt Gyuricza Péter Faragó LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Bence László Tarr Péter Kottyán LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Richárd Pávay Gábor Magát DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Bence Benedek Zsolt Gyuricza WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Olivér Garas István Havasi WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Gábor Magát Péter Kottyán WIN LOSS
Pool 1 József Király Bence László Tarr WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Péter Faragó István Havasi WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Richárd Pávay Zsolt Gyuricza DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Olivér Garas Jakub Dobi LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Gábor Magát Péter Faragó LOSS WIN
Pool 1 József Király István Havasi WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Olivér Garas Bence László Tarr WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jakub Dobi Bence Benedek WIN LOSS
Pool 1 István Havasi Péter Kottyán WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Zsolt Gyuricza Olivér Garas DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Gábor Magát Bence László Tarr WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Richárd Pávay István Havasi DRAW DRAW
Pool 1 Zsolt Gyuricza Gábor Magát LOSS WIN
Pool 1 József Király Péter Faragó WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Péter Kottyán Jakub Dobi LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Olivér Garas Péter Faragó LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Zsolt Gyuricza József Király WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Jakub Dobi Péter Faragó LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Richárd Pávay Péter Kottyán WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Gábor Magát István Havasi LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Jakub Dobi József Király WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Péter Faragó Péter Kottyán LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Richárd Pávay Olivér Garas WIN LOSS
Pool 1 István Havasi Jakub Dobi LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Richárd Pávay József Király WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Péter Kottyán Zsolt Gyuricza WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Gábor Magát Jakub Dobi WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Zsolt Gyuricza Jakub Dobi LOSS WIN
Pool 1 Gábor Magát Olivér Garas WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Zsolt Gyuricza István Havasi WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Péter Kottyán József Király WIN LOSS
Pool 1 Richárd Pávay Jakub Dobi WIN LOSS
Final Gábor Magát Richárd Pávay WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just VI Budapest MHS nylon és feder Kardvívó torna

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
222 34 Bence Benedek Ferreus Lupus 1452.1 33.1
237 37 Péter Faragó Ars Ensis 1441.5 32.8
256 24 Richárd Pávay Anjou Udvari Lovagkör 1431.5 26.8
344 Jakub Dobi EHMS 1378.1
398 203 Gábor Magát Ars Ensis 1345.7 105.7
408 58 István Havasi Ars Ensis 1341 24.7
411 91 Zsolt Gyuricza Ars Ensis 1340.2 46.3
628 123 Olivér Garas Pécsi Hosszúkardvívó Sportkör 1238.6 43.2
788 1052 Péter Kottyán Kard Rendje ViSE 1175.8 449.5
875 65 József Király Kard Rendje ViSE 1145.6 34.8
1524 142 Bence László Tarr Ars Ensis 912.4 34.6