Paris HEMA Open 2016

Date June 18, 2016
Country France
City Paris

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 70 24
Women's Steel Longsword 7 4

Fighters in event


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Arman Montes de Oca Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Jean Louis Bouchaud Guillaume Laisney WIN LOSS
Arman Montes de Oca Jean Louis Bouchaud WIN LOSS
Thomas Couturier Guillaume Laisney WIN LOSS
Peter Smallridge Jean Louis Bouchaud LOSS WIN
Arman Montes de Oca Pascal Hirsch WIN LOSS
Hedi Alfandari Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Charlélie Berthaut Guillaume Laisney LOSS WIN
Victor Lavialle Peter Smallridge LOSS WIN
Florent Destribois Jean Louis Bouchaud LOSS WIN
Lutz Horvath Pascal Hirsch LOSS WIN
Arman Montes de Oca Davy van Elst WIN LOSS
Adrien Zeppieri Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Fabien Goury Hedi Alfandari LOSS WIN
Max van den Ekart Guillaume Laisney LOSS WIN
Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira Charlélie Berthaut LOSS WIN
Peter Smallridge Sean Wauters WIN LOSS
Jean Louis Bouchaud Emmanuel Parisot WIN LOSS
Lutz Horvath Nicos Triantafilopoulos WIN LOSS
Yvan Monnard Davy van Elst LOSS WIN
Benjamin Szewczuk Adrien Zeppieri LOSS WIN
Fabien Goury Peregrijn van den Berg WIN LOSS
Max van den Ekart Aurélia Frachon WIN LOSS
Olivier Dolbeau Charlélie Berthaut LOSS WIN
Guillaume Laisney Olivier Dolbeau WIN LOSS
Charlélie Berthaut Guillaume Laisney LOSS WIN
Guillaume Laisney Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira LOSS WIN
Peregrijn van den Berg Guillaume Laisney LOSS WIN
Olivier Dolbeau Charlélie Berthaut LOSS WIN
Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira Olivier Dolbeau WIN LOSS
Olivier Dolbeau Peregrijn van den Berg WIN LOSS
Charlélie Berthaut Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira LOSS WIN
Peregrijn van den Berg Charlélie Berthaut WIN LOSS
Matthieu Mosset-Coelho Teixeira Peregrijn van den Berg WIN LOSS
Hedi Alfandari Aurélia Frachon WIN LOSS
Aurélia Frachon Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Aurélia Frachon Nicos Triantafilopoulos LOSS WIN
Adrien Zeppieri Aurélia Frachon WIN LOSS
Hedi Alfandari Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Nicos Triantafilopoulos Hedi Alfandari LOSS WIN
Adrien Zeppieri Hedi Alfandari LOSS WIN
Nicos Triantafilopoulos Thomas Couturier WIN LOSS
Adrien Zeppieri Thomas Couturier LOSS WIN
Nicos Triantafilopoulos Adrien Zeppieri LOSS WIN
Emmanuel Parisot Fabien Goury LOSS WIN
Fabien Goury Florent Destribois WIN LOSS
Peter Smallridge Fabien Goury WIN LOSS
Fabien Goury Pascal Hirsch LOSS WIN
Emmanuel Parisot Florent Destribois LOSS WIN
Peter Smallridge Emmanuel Parisot WIN LOSS
Pascal Hirsch Emmanuel Parisot WIN LOSS
Peter Smallridge Florent Destribois LOSS WIN
Florent Destribois Pascal Hirsch WIN LOSS
Peter Smallridge Pascal Hirsch LOSS WIN
Jean Louis Bouchaud Benjamin Szewczuk WIN LOSS
Victor Lavialle Jean Louis Bouchaud WIN LOSS
Lutz Horvath Jean Louis Bouchaud LOSS WIN
Jean Louis Bouchaud Davy van Elst WIN LOSS
Benjamin Szewczuk Victor Lavialle LOSS WIN
Lutz Horvath Benjamin Szewczuk LOSS WIN
Davy van Elst Benjamin Szewczuk LOSS WIN
Victor Lavialle Lutz Horvath WIN LOSS
Davy van Elst Victor Lavialle LOSS WIN
Davy van Elst Lutz Horvath DRAW DRAW
Arman Montes de Oca Yvan Monnard WIN LOSS
Max van den Ekart Yvan Monnard WIN LOSS
Yvan Monnard Sean Wauters DRAW DRAW
Max van den Ekart Arman Montes de Oca LOSS WIN
Arman Montes de Oca Sean Wauters WIN LOSS
Max van den Ekart Sean Wauters WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Paris HEMA Open 2016