DC HEMA Open 2018

Date January 12, 2018
Country United States
State DC
City Washington

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 138 54
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 72 29
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 42 12
Mixed Singlestick 40 18
Women's Steel Longsword 15 5

Fighters in event

Mariana López Rodriguez Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Piotr Przanowski Bractwo Szermiercze
Alexander Kitaev Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Hunter Smith
Brian Caswell
Harvey Hightower
Ian Bell
Robert Smith Battlefield KdF
Austin Straub Bucks Historical Longsword
Paul Kartage Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Alexander Bowe Capital Kunst des Fechtens
David Kalinowski Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Connor Heaton Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Thomas Schratwieser Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Joseph Lilly Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Wesley Higginbotham Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Henry Kenyon Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Christopher Dyer Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Karl Bolle Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Jake Norwood Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Dayna Rowden Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Brent Wang Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Tyler Jachetta Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Benjamin Press Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Larry Lillard Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Ian Westfall Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Kyle Crandall Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Marlene Hurst Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Trent McCartney Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Elena Hutchinson Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Christopher Smoot Fenris Kunst Des Fechtens
Michael Sweeny Fenris Kunst Des Fechtens
Jason Kumar London Historical Fencing Club
Sigmund Werndorf Los Angeles Historical Martial Arts Society
Andrew Feigel Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Lisa Losito Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Benjamin Jarashow Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Nicholas Schneider Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Brian Brunsman Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Isadora Baden-Payne Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Jordan Moreno Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Katherine Thomas Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Noah Hanssen Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Michael Gilding Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Connor Richardson Medieval European Martial Arts Guild
James Darling Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Joseph Yeager Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Richard Shepro Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Stephen Clement Mid-Atlantic Society for Historic Swordsmanship
Airrion Scott Mid-Atlantic Society for Historic Swordsmanship
Toby Hall New York Historical Fencing Association
Joseph Ceirante New York Historical Fencing Association
Andrew McCall Old Line Historical Swordsmanship
Jacob Benden Old Line Historical Swordsmanship
Brian Ames Order of the Marshal
Caroline Zook Pennsylvania Klopffechters
Jacob Kelly Pennsylvania Klopffechters
Victor Lavenstein Rhode Island Fencing Academy & Club
Patrick Bratton Sala Della Spada
Peter Boehl Sword to Sword
Drew Schulz Sword to Sword
Nathan Grepares Sword to Sword
Jesse Jefferies Sword to Sword
David Biggs Tattershall School of Defense
Daniel Rosenberg Virginia Academy of Fencing
Steve Sheets Virginia Academy of Fencing
Nathaniel Walsh Virginia Academy of Fencing
Alexander Wahid Virginia Academy of Fencing
Allyson Deitrick Virginia Academy of Fencing
Christopher Perez Virginia Academy of Fencing
Daniel Daugherty Virginia Academy of Fencing
Iman Muttardy Virginia Academy of Fencing
Filip Sufitchi Virginia Academy of Fencing
Malcolm Ponte Virginia Academy of Fencing


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Jake Norwood Brian Ames WIN LOSS
Pools Peter Boehl Isadora Baden-Payne LOSS WIN
Pools Jake Norwood Andrew McCall WIN LOSS
Pools Isadora Baden-Payne Brian Ames WIN LOSS
Pools Peter Boehl Andrew McCall DRAW DRAW
Pools Jake Norwood Isadora Baden-Payne WIN LOSS
Pools Andrew McCall Brian Ames LOSS WIN
Pools Jake Norwood Peter Boehl WIN LOSS
Pools Andrew McCall Isadora Baden-Payne LOSS WIN
Pools Brian Ames Peter Boehl WIN LOSS
Pools Jacob Kelly Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Pools Jacob Benden Tyler Jachetta LOSS WIN
Pools Toby Hall Trent McCartney WIN LOSS
Pools Tyler Jachetta Jacob Kelly LOSS WIN
Pools Jacob Benden Trent McCartney WIN LOSS
Pools Toby Hall Tyler Jachetta WIN LOSS
Pools Trent McCartney Jacob Kelly LOSS WIN
Pools Toby Hall Jacob Benden WIN LOSS
Pools Tyler Jachetta Trent McCartney LOSS WIN
Pools Jacob Kelly Jacob Benden WIN LOSS
Pools Karl Bolle Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Pools Brian Caswell Alexander Bowe WIN LOSS
Pools Nathan Grepares Jordan Moreno WIN LOSS
Pools Alexander Bowe Karl Bolle LOSS WIN
Pools Brian Caswell Jordan Moreno WIN LOSS
Pools Nathan Grepares Alexander Bowe WIN LOSS
Pools Jordan Moreno Karl Bolle DRAW DRAW
Pools Nathan Grepares Brian Caswell LOSS WIN
Pools Jordan Moreno Alexander Bowe WIN LOSS
Pools Karl Bolle Brian Caswell DRAW DRAW
Pools Kyle Crandall Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Pools Joseph Lilly Robert Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Piotr Przanowski Robert Smith WIN LOSS
Pools Kyle Crandall Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Pools Robert Smith Kyle Crandall WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Lilly Piotr Przanowski WIN LOSS
Pools Wesley Higginbotham Thomas Schratwieser WIN LOSS
Pools Allyson Deitrick Brent Wang LOSS WIN
Pools Wesley Higginbotham Christopher Perez WIN LOSS
Pools Brent Wang Thomas Schratwieser LOSS WIN
Pools Allyson Deitrick Christopher Perez LOSS WIN
Pools Wesley Higginbotham Brent Wang WIN LOSS
Pools Christopher Perez Thomas Schratwieser WIN LOSS
Pools Wesley Higginbotham Allyson Deitrick WIN LOSS
Pools Brent Wang Christopher Perez LOSS WIN
Pools Thomas Schratwieser Allyson Deitrick WIN LOSS
Pools Connor Richardson Brian Brunsman LOSS WIN
Pools Caroline Zook Andrew Feigel LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Rosenberg Brian Brunsman LOSS WIN
Pools Caroline Zook Connor Richardson LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Rosenberg Andrew Feigel LOSS WIN
Pools Brian Brunsman Caroline Zook WIN LOSS
Pools Connor Richardson Daniel Rosenberg WIN LOSS
Pools Brian Brunsman Andrew Feigel WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Rosenberg Caroline Zook WIN LOSS
Pools Connor Richardson Andrew Feigel WIN LOSS
Pools Sigmund Werndorf Nicholas Schneider WIN LOSS
Pools Austin Straub Dayna Rowden WIN LOSS
Pools Sigmund Werndorf Christopher Smoot LOSS WIN
Pools Austin Straub Nicholas Schneider LOSS WIN
Pools Dayna Rowden Christopher Smoot LOSS WIN
Pools Austin Straub Sigmund Werndorf LOSS WIN
Pools Nicholas Schneider Christopher Smoot WIN LOSS
Pools Dayna Rowden Sigmund Werndorf LOSS WIN
Pools Austin Straub Christopher Smoot LOSS WIN
Pools Nicholas Schneider Dayna Rowden WIN LOSS
Pools Drew Schulz Connor Heaton LOSS WIN
Pools Jesse Jefferies Harvey Hightower WIN LOSS
Pools Connor Heaton Katherine Thomas WIN LOSS
Pools Harvey Hightower Drew Schulz LOSS WIN
Pools Jesse Jefferies Katherine Thomas WIN LOSS
Pools Connor Heaton Harvey Hightower WIN LOSS
Pools Katherine Thomas Drew Schulz LOSS WIN
Pools Connor Heaton Jesse Jefferies WIN LOSS
Pools Harvey Hightower Katherine Thomas WIN LOSS
Pools Drew Schulz Jesse Jefferies LOSS WIN
Pools Michael Gilding Benjamin Jarashow DRAW DRAW
Pools Henry Kenyon Marlene Hurst WIN LOSS
Pools Michael Sweeny Benjamin Jarashow LOSS WIN
Pools Henry Kenyon Michael Gilding LOSS WIN
Pools Marlene Hurst Michael Sweeny WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Jarashow Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Pools Michael Gilding Michael Sweeny WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Jarashow Marlene Hurst WIN LOSS
Pools Michael Sweeny Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Pools Michael Gilding Marlene Hurst WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Ceirante David Kalinowski WIN LOSS
Pools Alexander Kitaev Jason Kumar WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Ceirante Alexander Wahid WIN LOSS
Pools Jason Kumar David Kalinowski WIN LOSS
Pools Alexander Wahid Alexander Kitaev LOSS WIN
Pools Joseph Ceirante Jason Kumar WIN LOSS
Pools Alexander Wahid David Kalinowski LOSS WIN
Pools Joseph Ceirante Alexander Kitaev LOSS WIN
Pools Jason Kumar Alexander Wahid WIN LOSS
Pools David Kalinowski Alexander Kitaev LOSS WIN
Pools Joseph Yeager Paul Kartage WIN LOSS
Pools Victor Lavenstein Benjamin Press LOSS WIN
Pools Paul Kartage Ian Westfall WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Press Joseph Yeager LOSS WIN
Pools Victor Lavenstein Ian Westfall WIN LOSS
Pools Paul Kartage Benjamin Press WIN LOSS
Pools Ian Westfall Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Pools Paul Kartage Victor Lavenstein WIN LOSS
Pools Benjamin Press Ian Westfall WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Yeager Victor Lavenstein LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Jordan Moreno Wesley Higginbotham LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Christopher Perez Jesse Jefferies WIN LOSS
Round of 32 Paul Kartage Drew Schulz WIN LOSS
Round of 32 Thomas Schratwieser Benjamin Jarashow LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Andrew Feigel Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Nicholas Schneider Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Round of 32 Isadora Baden-Payne Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Victor Lavenstein Connor Heaton LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Jake Norwood David Kalinowski WIN LOSS
Round of 32 Brian Caswell Connor Richardson LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Nathan Grepares Brian Ames WIN LOSS
Round of 32 Michael Gilding Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Round of 32 Brian Brunsman Jason Kumar WIN LOSS
Round of 32 Christopher Smoot Jacob Kelly LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Sigmund Werndorf Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Round of 32 Alexander Kitaev Benjamin Press WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Wesley Higginbotham Christopher Perez WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Benjamin Jarashow Paul Kartage WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Nicholas Schneider Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Connor Heaton Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Connor Richardson Jake Norwood LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Nathan Grepares Michael Gilding WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Brian Brunsman Jacob Kelly WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Alexander Kitaev Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Benjamin Jarashow Wesley Higginbotham WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Connor Heaton Toby Hall WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Jake Norwood Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Brian Brunsman Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Semi Final Benjamin Jarashow Connor Heaton LOSS WIN
Semi Final Piotr Przanowski Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Benjamin Jarashow Piotr Przanowski WIN LOSS
Final Connor Heaton Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Joseph Lilly Lisa Losito WIN LOSS
Pools Piotr Przanowski Stephen Clement WIN LOSS
Pools Connor Heaton Lisa Losito WIN LOSS
Pools Stephen Clement Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Pools Piotr Przanowski Connor Heaton LOSS WIN
Pools Stephen Clement Lisa Losito WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Lilly Connor Heaton WIN LOSS
Pools Piotr Przanowski Lisa Losito WIN LOSS
Pools Stephen Clement Connor Heaton LOSS WIN
Pools Piotr Przanowski Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Pools Ian Bell James Darling WIN LOSS
Pools Henry Kenyon David Biggs LOSS WIN
Pools Alexander Kitaev James Darling DRAW DRAW
Pools David Biggs Ian Bell WIN LOSS
Pools Henry Kenyon Alexander Kitaev LOSS WIN
Pools David Biggs James Darling WIN LOSS
Pools Ian Bell Alexander Kitaev LOSS WIN
Pools Henry Kenyon James Darling LOSS WIN
Pools David Biggs Alexander Kitaev WIN LOSS
Pools Henry Kenyon Ian Bell LOSS WIN
Pools Isadora Baden-Payne Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Pools Brian Caswell Nathan Grepares WIN LOSS
Pools Isadora Baden-Payne Larry Lillard WIN LOSS
Pools Brian Caswell Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Pools Nathan Grepares Larry Lillard WIN LOSS
Pools Brian Caswell Isadora Baden-Payne WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Yeager Larry Lillard LOSS WIN
Pools Nathan Grepares Isadora Baden-Payne WIN LOSS
Pools Brian Caswell Larry Lillard WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Yeager Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Pools Jacob Benden Christopher Dyer LOSS WIN
Pools Jake Norwood Iman Muttardy WIN LOSS
Pools Jacob Benden Jake Norwood LOSS WIN
Pools Christopher Dyer Iman Muttardy LOSS WIN
Pools Jake Norwood Christopher Dyer WIN LOSS
Pools Jacob Benden Iman Muttardy LOSS WIN
Pools Wesley Higginbotham Airrion Scott LOSS WIN
Pools Karl Bolle Malcolm Ponte LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick Bratton Airrion Scott LOSS WIN
Pools Wesley Higginbotham Malcolm Ponte WIN LOSS
Pools Patrick Bratton Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Pools Malcolm Ponte Airrion Scott LOSS WIN
Pools Patrick Bratton Wesley Higginbotham LOSS WIN
Pools Karl Bolle Airrion Scott WIN LOSS
Pools Patrick Bratton Malcolm Ponte WIN LOSS
Pools Karl Bolle Wesley Higginbotham LOSS WIN
Pools Michael Gilding Daniel Daugherty LOSS WIN
Pools Paul Kartage Steve Sheets WIN LOSS
Pools Michael Gilding Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Pools Steve Sheets Daniel Daugherty WIN LOSS
Pools Paul Kartage Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Pools Michael Gilding Steve Sheets WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Ceirante Daniel Daugherty WIN LOSS
Pools Michael Gilding Paul Kartage WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Ceirante Steve Sheets WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Daugherty Paul Kartage WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Piotr Przanowski Patrick Bratton WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Michael Gilding Steve Sheets WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Christopher Dyer Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Isadora Baden-Payne James Darling LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Alexander Kitaev Ian Bell WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Paul Kartage Larry Lillard WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Daniel Daugherty Stephen Clement LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Iman Muttardy Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Quarter Final David Biggs Wesley Higginbotham WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Jake Norwood Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Brian Caswell Connor Heaton WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Nathan Grepares Iman Muttardy WIN LOSS
Semi Final David Biggs Jake Norwood WIN LOSS
Semi Final Nathan Grepares Brian Caswell WIN LOSS
Bronze Final Brian Caswell Jake Norwood WIN LOSS
Final Nathan Grepares David Biggs WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Kyle Crandall Isadora Baden-Payne LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Rosenberg Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Pools Kyle Crandall Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Rosenberg Jacob Benden WIN LOSS
Pools Isadora Baden-Payne Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Pools Jacob Benden Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Rosenberg Kyle Crandall WIN LOSS
Pools Isadora Baden-Payne Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Pools Daniel Rosenberg Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Pools Jacob Benden Isadora Baden-Payne LOSS WIN
Pools Piotr Przanowski Kyle Crandall WIN LOSS
Pools Jacob Benden Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Pools Daniel Rosenberg Isadora Baden-Payne LOSS WIN
Pools Joseph Yeager Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Pools Kyle Crandall Jacob Benden LOSS WIN
Pools Henry Kenyon Malcolm Ponte WIN LOSS
Pools Jason Kumar James Darling WIN LOSS
Pools Malcolm Ponte David Biggs LOSS WIN
Pools Austin Straub Jason Kumar LOSS WIN
Pools Henry Kenyon David Biggs LOSS WIN
Pools Austin Straub James Darling LOSS WIN
Pools Malcolm Ponte Jason Kumar LOSS WIN
Pools Henry Kenyon James Darling DRAW DRAW
Pools David Biggs Jason Kumar WIN LOSS
Pools Henry Kenyon Austin Straub LOSS WIN
Pools Malcolm Ponte James Darling WIN LOSS
Pools David Biggs Austin Straub WIN LOSS
Pools Henry Kenyon Jason Kumar LOSS WIN
Pools David Biggs James Darling WIN LOSS
Pools Malcolm Ponte Austin Straub WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Austin Straub Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Round of 16 Joseph Yeager Daniel Rosenberg LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Jacob Benden James Darling LOSS WIN
Round of 16 Kyle Crandall Malcolm Ponte LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals David Biggs Austin Straub WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals Jason Kumar Daniel Rosenberg WIN LOSS
Quarter Finals James Darling Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Quarter Finals Malcolm Ponte Isadora Baden-Payne LOSS WIN
Semi Finals David Biggs Jason Kumar WIN LOSS
Semi Finals Isadora Baden-Payne Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Jason Kumar Isadora Baden-Payne LOSS WIN
Final Piotr Przanowski David Biggs LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Noah Hanssen Nathaniel Walsh WIN LOSS
Pools Karl Bolle Jacob Benden WIN LOSS
Pools Noah Hanssen Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Pools Nathaniel Walsh Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Pools Henry Kenyon Jacob Benden WIN LOSS
Pools Noah Hanssen Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Pools Nathaniel Walsh Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Pools Noah Hanssen Jacob Benden WIN LOSS
Pools Karl Bolle Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Pools Nathaniel Walsh Jacob Benden WIN LOSS
Pools Joseph Lilly Drew Schulz WIN LOSS
Pools Jake Norwood Steve Sheets LOSS WIN
Pools Steve Sheets Drew Schulz WIN LOSS
Pools Jake Norwood Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Pools Steve Sheets Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Pools Jake Norwood Drew Schulz WIN LOSS
Pools Paul Kartage Christopher Dyer LOSS WIN
Pools Richard Shepro Thomas Schratwieser WIN LOSS
Pools Christopher Dyer Thomas Schratwieser WIN LOSS
Pools Richard Shepro Paul Kartage WIN LOSS
Pools Thomas Schratwieser Paul Kartage WIN LOSS
Pools Richard Shepro Christopher Dyer LOSS WIN
Pools David Kalinowski Alexander Bowe WIN LOSS
Pools Wesley Higginbotham Filip Sufitchi WIN LOSS
Pools Alexander Bowe Hunter Smith LOSS WIN
Pools Filip Sufitchi David Kalinowski LOSS WIN
Pools Wesley Higginbotham Hunter Smith LOSS WIN
Pools Filip Sufitchi Alexander Bowe WIN LOSS
Pools David Kalinowski Hunter Smith LOSS WIN
Pools Wesley Higginbotham Alexander Bowe WIN LOSS
Pools Filip Sufitchi Hunter Smith LOSS WIN
Pools David Kalinowski Wesley Higginbotham LOSS WIN
Quarter Final Hunter Smith Steve Sheets WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Joseph Lilly Wesley Higginbotham WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Noah Hanssen Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Nathaniel Walsh Christopher Dyer WIN LOSS
Semi Final Hunter Smith Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Semi Final Noah Hanssen Nathaniel Walsh LOSS WIN
Bronze Final Hunter Smith Noah Hanssen LOSS WIN
Final Joseph Lilly Nathaniel Walsh LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Pools Elena Hutchinson Iman Muttardy LOSS WIN
Pools Dayna Rowden Allyson Deitrick WIN LOSS
Pools Iman Muttardy Mariana López Rodriguez WIN LOSS
Pools Elena Hutchinson Allyson Deitrick WIN LOSS
Pools Dayna Rowden Mariana López Rodriguez LOSS WIN
Pools Allyson Deitrick Iman Muttardy LOSS WIN
Pools Mariana López Rodriguez Elena Hutchinson WIN LOSS
Pools Iman Muttardy Dayna Rowden WIN LOSS
Pools Allyson Deitrick Mariana López Rodriguez LOSS WIN
Pools Dayna Rowden Elena Hutchinson WIN LOSS
Quarter Final Allyson Deitrick Elena Hutchinson WIN LOSS
Semi Final Iman Muttardy Dayna Rowden WIN LOSS
Semi Final Mariana López Rodriguez Allyson Deitrick WIN LOSS
Bronze Final Allyson Deitrick Dayna Rowden LOSS WIN
Final Mariana López Rodriguez Iman Muttardy LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just DC HEMA Open 2018

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
13 1 Jake Norwood Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1792.6 1.2
30 1 Toby Hall New York Historical Fencing Association 1719.6 3.2
51 50 Nathan Grepares Sword to Sword 1656.7 72.5
74 241 Connor Heaton Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1613.2 189.9
122 51 Brian Brunsman Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1557.6 40
138 31 Wesley Higginbotham Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1549.6 30.3
139 2 Piotr Przanowski Bractwo Szermiercze 1548.5 5.4
167 91 Benjamin Jarashow Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1523.9 66.6
209 13 Sigmund Werndorf Los Angeles Historical Martial Arts Society 1495.9 1.7
230 12 Karl Bolle Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1483.2 1.8
332 164 Joseph Lilly Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1415 78.7
337 2 Paul Kartage Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1413.4 3.6
341 8 Joseph Ceirante New York Historical Fencing Association 1411.1 1.2
399 43 Jacob Kelly Pennsylvania Klopffechters 1383.6 22.9
402 24 Brian Ames Order of the Marshal 1382.8 6.1
430 175 Connor Richardson Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1370.4 75.4
441 Alexander Kitaev Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1363.6
469 Brian Caswell N/A 1350.3
480 172 Nicholas Schneider Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1345.8 68.8
515 287 Michael Gilding Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1332.9 114
540 8 Thomas Schratwieser Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1324.3 1.5
592 277 Isadora Baden-Payne Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1305.9 110
598 Christopher Perez Virginia Academy of Fencing 1302.1
779 Jesse Jefferies Sword to Sword 1232.7
785 49 Drew Schulz Sword to Sword 1230.7 22.3
845 1 Joseph Yeager Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1210.9 7.7
915 79 David Kalinowski Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1189.6 18
943 Christopher Smoot Fenris Kunst Des Fechtens 1178.6
1108 5 Tyler Jachetta Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1132.4 5.7
1161 Jordan Moreno Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1119
1267 9 Robert Smith Battlefield KdF 1085.4 8.7
1289 Andrew Feigel Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1080.8
1335 180 Alexander Bowe Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1068.1 43.2
1472 Victor Lavenstein Rhode Island Fencing Academy & Club 1021.9
1482 595 Jason Kumar London Historical Fencing Club 1019.4 212.2
1566 130 Brent Wang Capital Kunst des Fechtens 996 53.1
1594 Trent McCartney Capital Kunst des Fechtens 991.2
1695 129 Austin Straub Bucks Historical Longsword 958.7 53.1
1698 Harvey Hightower N/A 956.6
1781 Daniel Rosenberg Virginia Academy of Fencing 936.7
1784 Jacob Benden Old Line Historical Swordsmanship 935.6
1874 Michael Sweeny Fenris Kunst Des Fechtens 905.7
1917 98 Caroline Zook Pennsylvania Klopffechters 892.1 14.5
1920 331 Benjamin Press Capital Kunst des Fechtens 891.3 178.9
1933 23 Henry Kenyon Capital Kunst des Fechtens 886.2 26.9
1957 Ian Westfall Capital Kunst des Fechtens 879.2
2038 Marlene Hurst Capital Kunst des Fechtens 849.5
2052 132 Dayna Rowden Capital Kunst des Fechtens 844.1 30.1
2071 Andrew McCall Old Line Historical Swordsmanship 838.2
2105 Katherine Thomas Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 818
2107 Allyson Deitrick Virginia Academy of Fencing 815.9
2204 Kyle Crandall Capital Kunst des Fechtens 771.8
2269 Alexander Wahid Virginia Academy of Fencing 742.9
2299 33 Peter Boehl Sword to Sword 728.5 35.2
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
36 23 Nathan Grepares Sword to Sword 1530.5 91
37 28 David Biggs Tattershall School of Defense 1528.2 101.8
56 11 Piotr Przanowski Bractwo Szermiercze 1453.2 39.5
70 176 Brian Caswell N/A 1414.1 318.1
88 19 Wesley Higginbotham Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1369.1 42.4
109 Jake Norwood Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1326.6
112 17 Christopher Dyer Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1321.5 20.6
114 Michael Gilding Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1320
126 7 Paul Kartage Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1298.5 10.3
131 42 Joseph Lilly Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1287.5 82.5
139 Airrion Scott Mid-Atlantic Society for Historic Swordsmanship 1274.5
166 68 Iman Muttardy Virginia Academy of Fencing 1234.9 124.2
177 Connor Heaton Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1213.7
180 Alexander Kitaev Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1210.6
190 136 Stephen Clement Mid-Atlantic Society for Historic Swordsmanship 1186.9 195.1
241 Patrick Bratton Sala Della Spada 1118.1
262 41 Joseph Ceirante New York Historical Fencing Association 1091.2 76.2
269 66 James Darling Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1081.9 103.9
278 9 Malcolm Ponte Virginia Academy of Fencing 1069.3 29.2
288 71 Daniel Daugherty Virginia Academy of Fencing 1056.7 101.4
293 Ian Bell N/A 1048.5
326 22 Isadora Baden-Payne Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1004.4 43
327 52 Henry Kenyon Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1002.3 51.2
355 3 Karl Bolle Capital Kunst des Fechtens 972.3 14.4
397 34 Lisa Losito Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 915.9 32.1
413 Steve Sheets Virginia Academy of Fencing 893.9
432 Larry Lillard Capital Kunst des Fechtens 869
474 Jacob Benden Old Line Historical Swordsmanship 798.9
520 19 Joseph Yeager Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 631.8 11.5