Capitol Clash: Washington DC HEMA Open 2017

Date January 14, 2017
Country United States
State Maryland
City National Harbor

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Rapier & Dagger 83 35
Mixed Steel Arming Sword & Buckler 55 20
Women's Steel Longsword 19 8
Mixed Steel Longsword 155 66

Fighters in event

Casper Ellestad-Andersen Aros Historical Fencing Guild
Piotr Przanowski Bractwo Szermiercze
Kristofer Stanson Stockholm HEMA
Matthew Castleman Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Marcus Lewis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Keith Cotter-Reilly Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy
Robert Smith Battlefield KdF
Chuck Gross Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
John McPherson Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Kyle Schriver Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Jamie Kikilidis Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Richard Markee Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Joseph Lilly Capital Kunst des Fechtens
David Kalinowski Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Michael Authement Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Eric Avila Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Philip Becnel Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Alexander Bowe Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Jong Chen Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Paul Kartage Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Thomas Schratwieser Capital Kunst des Fechtens
David Von Bargen Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Samantha Miller Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Karl Bolle Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Henry Kenyon Capital Kunst des Fechtens
John Durish Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Christopher Dyer Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Charles Lin Capital Kunst des Fechtens
James Clark Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Brent Wang Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Frank Zamary Columbus United Fencing Club
Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica
Jason Kumar London Historical Fencing Club
Robert Weston Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Isadora Baden-Payne Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Nicholas Schneider Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Gretchen Settle Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Travis Mayott Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Jess Rozek Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Lisa Losito Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Benjamin Jarashow Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Eric Kusmaul Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Keith Lyons Medieval European Martial Arts Guild
Daniel Breslin Medieval European Martial Arts Guild
James Darling Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Joseph Yeager Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Stephen Clement Mid-Atlantic Society for Historic Swordsmanship
Lauren Hanson New York Historical Fencing Association
Dave Kaufman New York Historical Fencing Association
Joseph Ceirante New York Historical Fencing Association
Kenny Mai New York Historical Fencing Association
Rick Long Omaha Kunst des Fechtens
Brian Ames Order of the Marshal
Ed Toton Order of the Marshal
Caroline Zook Pennsylvania Klopffechters
Jacob Kelly Pennsylvania Klopffechters
Michael Croke Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens
Phillip Burgstahler Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens
Nathan Wallace Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Zachary Showalter Scuffletown Federfechters
Ashleigh Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing
Chris Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing
Alexander Kotarakos Sword Inquisition
Nathan Grepares Sword to Sword
Doug Perritt Virginia Academy of Fencing
Iman Muttardy Virginia Academy of Fencing
Malcolm Ponte Virginia Academy of Fencing
Peter Brusseau Virginia Academy of Fencing
Robert Gonia Virginia Academy of Fencing
Nichole Lopes Virginia Academy of Fencing
Charissa Eagy Virginia Academy of Fencing
Omar Quintero Virginia Academy of Fencing
Henry McLemore Virginia Academy of Fencing
William Bergman Virginia Academy of Fencing
Clayton Willets Virginia Academy of Fencing
Brian Cox Virginia Academy of Fencing
Daniel Daugherty Virginia Academy of Fencing
John Dowdle Virginia Academy of Fencing


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Omar Quintero Mckenzie Adlai Ewing LOSS WIN
Paul Kartage Isadora Baden-Payne WIN LOSS
Omar Quintero Paul Kartage LOSS WIN
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Isadora Baden-Payne WIN LOSS
Paul Kartage Mckenzie Adlai Ewing WIN LOSS
Isadora Baden-Payne Omar Quintero WIN LOSS
Travis Mayott Peter Brusseau WIN LOSS
Robert Gonia Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Joseph Ceirante Travis Mayott LOSS WIN
Peter Brusseau Robert Gonia LOSS WIN
Joseph Ceirante Peter Brusseau WIN LOSS
Robert Gonia Travis Mayott LOSS WIN
Brian Cox Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
Piotr Przanowski Casper Ellestad-Andersen WIN LOSS
Iman Muttardy Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
Brian Cox Casper Ellestad-Andersen LOSS WIN
Piotr Przanowski Iman Muttardy WIN LOSS
Casper Ellestad-Andersen Marcus Lewis WIN LOSS
Brian Cox Iman Muttardy LOSS WIN
Piotr Przanowski Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
Casper Ellestad-Andersen Iman Muttardy LOSS WIN
Brian Cox Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Kristofer Stanson Henry McLemore WIN LOSS
Karl Bolle James Darling WIN LOSS
Henry McLemore James Darling LOSS WIN
Kristofer Stanson Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
James Darling Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Henry McLemore Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Stephen Clement Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Henry Kenyon Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Joseph Lilly Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Henry Kenyon Stephen Clement WIN LOSS
Nathan Grepares Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Joseph Lilly Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Nathan Grepares Stephen Clement WIN LOSS
Joseph Yeager Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Henry Kenyon Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Stephen Clement Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Robert Weston Christopher Dyer LOSS WIN
Lauren Hanson Clayton Willets LOSS WIN
Robert Weston Charissa Eagy WIN LOSS
Christopher Dyer Clayton Willets WIN LOSS
Charissa Eagy Lauren Hanson LOSS WIN
Robert Weston Clayton Willets WIN LOSS
Christopher Dyer Charissa Eagy WIN LOSS
Robert Weston Lauren Hanson LOSS WIN
Charissa Eagy Clayton Willets LOSS WIN
Christopher Dyer Lauren Hanson LOSS WIN
Jacob Kelly John Durish WIN LOSS
Daniel Daugherty Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Jacob Kelly Daniel Daugherty LOSS WIN
John Durish Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Daniel Daugherty John Durish LOSS WIN
Jacob Kelly Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Malcolm Ponte Nathan Wallace LOSS WIN
William Bergman Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Rebecca Glass Nathan Wallace LOSS WIN
William Bergman Malcolm Ponte LOSS WIN
Rebecca Glass Malcolm Ponte LOSS WIN
Nathan Wallace William Bergman WIN LOSS
Robert Weston Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Stephen Clement Paul Kartage WIN LOSS
Casper Ellestad-Andersen William Bergman LOSS WIN
Jacob Kelly Robert Gonia LOSS WIN
Malcolm Ponte Mckenzie Adlai Ewing LOSS WIN
Isadora Baden-Payne Christopher Dyer LOSS WIN
Clayton Willets Iman Muttardy WIN LOSS
Marcus Lewis Daniel Daugherty WIN LOSS
Robert Weston Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Stephen Clement Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Travis Mayott William Bergman LOSS WIN
Piotr Przanowski Robert Gonia LOSS WIN
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Nathan Wallace WIN LOSS
Christopher Dyer Lauren Hanson WIN LOSS
Clayton Willets Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Alexander Kotarakos Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
Nathan Grepares Stephen Clement WIN LOSS
William Bergman Robert Gonia LOSS WIN
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Christopher Dyer WIN LOSS
Marcus Lewis Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Robert Gonia Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Kristofer Stanson Mckenzie Adlai Ewing WIN LOSS
Nathan Grepares Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Marcus Lewis James Darling WIN LOSS
Henry McLemore Christopher Dyer WIN LOSS
Robert Gonia Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
James Darling Henry McLemore LOSS WIN
Robert Gonia Christopher Dyer WIN LOSS
Marcus Lewis Henry McLemore WIN LOSS
Robert Gonia James Darling WIN LOSS
Christopher Dyer Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
Henry McLemore Robert Gonia LOSS WIN
James Darling Christopher Dyer WIN LOSS
Keith Cotter-Reilly Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Keith Lyons Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Kristofer Stanson Malcolm Ponte WIN LOSS
Keith Lyons Keith Cotter-Reilly LOSS WIN
Malcolm Ponte Henry Kenyon LOSS WIN
Keith Lyons Kristofer Stanson LOSS WIN
Malcolm Ponte Keith Cotter-Reilly LOSS WIN
Kristofer Stanson Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Keith Lyons Malcolm Ponte LOSS WIN
Keith Cotter-Reilly Henry Kenyon WIN LOSS
Karl Bolle Doug Perritt WIN LOSS
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Peter Brusseau WIN LOSS
Doug Perritt Ed Toton WIN LOSS
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Peter Brusseau Ed Toton WIN LOSS
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Doug Perritt LOSS WIN
Karl Bolle Ed Toton WIN LOSS
Doug Perritt Peter Brusseau WIN LOSS
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Ed Toton WIN LOSS
Karl Bolle Peter Brusseau LOSS WIN
Charissa Eagy Lauren Hanson LOSS WIN
Joseph Yeager Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Alexander Kotarakos Lauren Hanson LOSS WIN
Joseph Yeager Charissa Eagy LOSS WIN
Alexander Kotarakos Piotr Przanowski WIN LOSS
Lauren Hanson Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Alexander Kotarakos Charissa Eagy LOSS WIN
Lauren Hanson Piotr Przanowski WIN LOSS
Alexander Kotarakos Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Charissa Eagy Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Christopher Dyer Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
Henry McLemore Karl Bolle LOSS WIN
Doug Perritt Malcolm Ponte WIN LOSS
Peter Brusseau Keith Cotter-Reilly LOSS WIN
Ed Toton Lauren Hanson LOSS WIN
Piotr Przanowski Charissa Eagy WIN LOSS
Joseph Yeager Robert Gonia LOSS WIN
Alexander Kotarakos Mckenzie Adlai Ewing LOSS WIN
Karl Bolle Marcus Lewis WIN LOSS
Doug Perritt Keith Cotter-Reilly LOSS WIN
Piotr Przanowski Lauren Hanson WIN LOSS
Robert Gonia Mckenzie Adlai Ewing WIN LOSS
Keith Cotter-Reilly Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Piotr Przanowski Robert Gonia WIN LOSS
Keith Cotter-Reilly Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Michael Authement Doug Perritt LOSS WIN
Anonymous fighter Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Michael Authement Zachary Showalter LOSS WIN
Doug Perritt Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Anonymous fighter Zachary Showalter WIN LOSS
Michael Authement Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Doug Perritt Zachary Showalter WIN LOSS
Michael Authement Anonymous fighter LOSS WIN
Anonymous fighter Zachary Showalter LOSS WIN
Doug Perritt Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Travis Mayott Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Keith Lyons Jamie Kikilidis LOSS WIN
Henry Kenyon Travis Mayott LOSS WIN
Karl Bolle Jamie Kikilidis WIN LOSS
Keith Lyons Henry Kenyon LOSS WIN
Travis Mayott Jamie Kikilidis WIN LOSS
Henry Kenyon Karl Bolle LOSS WIN
Keith Lyons Travis Mayott LOSS WIN
Henry Kenyon Jamie Kikilidis LOSS WIN
Keith Lyons Karl Bolle LOSS WIN
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Rick Long WIN LOSS
Joseph Ceirante Joseph Yeager LOSS WIN
Robert Smith Rick Long LOSS WIN
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Robert Smith Joseph Ceirante LOSS WIN
Joseph Yeager Rick Long LOSS WIN
Robert Smith Mckenzie Adlai Ewing LOSS WIN
Joseph Ceirante Rick Long WIN LOSS
Robert Smith Joseph Yeager LOSS WIN
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Joseph Ceirante WIN LOSS
Robert Weston Dave Kaufman LOSS WIN
Matthew Castleman Phillip Burgstahler WIN LOSS
John Durish Robert Weston LOSS WIN
Matthew Castleman Dave Kaufman LOSS WIN
John Durish Phillip Burgstahler LOSS WIN
Matthew Castleman Robert Weston WIN LOSS
Dave Kaufman John Durish WIN LOSS
Phillip Burgstahler Robert Weston WIN LOSS
John Durish Matthew Castleman LOSS WIN
Phillip Burgstahler Dave Kaufman WIN LOSS
Paul Kartage Rebecca Glass WIN LOSS
Alexander Bowe Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Rebecca Glass Alexander Bowe LOSS WIN
Paul Kartage Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Alexander Bowe Paul Kartage LOSS WIN
Rebecca Glass Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Brent Wang Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Peter Brusseau Jong Chen WIN LOSS
Brent Wang Eric Avila LOSS WIN
Peter Brusseau Piotr Przanowski LOSS WIN
Jong Chen Eric Avila LOSS WIN
Brent Wang Peter Brusseau LOSS WIN
Piotr Przanowski Eric Avila WIN LOSS
Brent Wang Jong Chen WIN LOSS
Peter Brusseau Eric Avila WIN LOSS
Piotr Przanowski Jong Chen WIN LOSS
Benjamin Jarashow Samantha Miller WIN LOSS
David Von Bargen Brian Ames WIN LOSS
Samantha Miller Ashleigh Hobbs LOSS WIN
David Von Bargen Benjamin Jarashow WIN LOSS
Ashleigh Hobbs Brian Ames LOSS WIN
David Von Bargen Samantha Miller WIN LOSS
Benjamin Jarashow Ashleigh Hobbs LOSS WIN
Samantha Miller Brian Ames LOSS WIN
Ashleigh Hobbs David Von Bargen LOSS WIN
Brian Ames Benjamin Jarashow WIN LOSS
Chuck Gross Thomas Schratwieser LOSS WIN
Keith Cotter-Reilly Jacob Kelly WIN LOSS
Chuck Gross Jacob Kelly LOSS WIN
Keith Cotter-Reilly Thomas Schratwieser WIN LOSS
Jacob Kelly Thomas Schratwieser WIN LOSS
Keith Cotter-Reilly Chuck Gross WIN LOSS
Nicholas Schneider Henry McLemore LOSS WIN
Charles Lin Lauren Hanson WIN LOSS
John McPherson Nicholas Schneider LOSS WIN
Charles Lin Henry McLemore LOSS WIN
John McPherson Lauren Hanson LOSS WIN
Nicholas Schneider Charles Lin WIN LOSS
John McPherson Henry McLemore LOSS WIN
Lauren Hanson Nicholas Schneider LOSS WIN
John McPherson Charles Lin LOSS WIN
Henry McLemore Lauren Hanson WIN LOSS
Kyle Schriver Daniel Breslin LOSS WIN
James Clark Nathan Wallace WIN LOSS
Daniel Breslin Nathan Wallace WIN LOSS
Kyle Schriver James Clark LOSS WIN
Nathan Wallace Kyle Schriver LOSS WIN
James Clark Daniel Breslin WIN LOSS
Caroline Zook Christopher Dyer LOSS WIN
Nathan Grepares Philip Becnel WIN LOSS
Philip Becnel Christopher Dyer LOSS WIN
Nathan Grepares Caroline Zook WIN LOSS
Philip Becnel Caroline Zook LOSS WIN
Christopher Dyer Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
David Kalinowski Casper Ellestad-Andersen LOSS WIN
Isadora Baden-Payne Eric Kusmaul WIN LOSS
Jason Kumar David Kalinowski LOSS WIN
Casper Ellestad-Andersen Isadora Baden-Payne WIN LOSS
Jason Kumar Eric Kusmaul LOSS WIN
Isadora Baden-Payne David Kalinowski WIN LOSS
Jason Kumar Casper Ellestad-Andersen LOSS WIN
Eric Kusmaul David Kalinowski WIN LOSS
Isadora Baden-Payne Jason Kumar WIN LOSS
Eric Kusmaul Casper Ellestad-Andersen LOSS WIN
Alexander Kotarakos Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
Frank Zamary Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Gretchen Settle Alexander Kotarakos LOSS WIN
Marcus Lewis Joseph Lilly WIN LOSS
Gretchen Settle Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Alexander Kotarakos Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Marcus Lewis Gretchen Settle WIN LOSS
Frank Zamary Alexander Kotarakos WIN LOSS
Gretchen Settle Joseph Lilly LOSS WIN
Marcus Lewis Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
John Dowdle Michael Croke LOSS WIN
Kenny Mai Richard Markee WIN LOSS
Jess Rozek John Dowdle LOSS WIN
Michael Croke Kenny Mai LOSS WIN
Jess Rozek Richard Markee LOSS WIN
John Dowdle Kenny Mai LOSS WIN
Michael Croke Jess Rozek LOSS WIN
Richard Markee John Dowdle WIN LOSS
Jess Rozek Kenny Mai LOSS WIN
Michael Croke Richard Markee LOSS WIN
Rick Long Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Karl Bolle Nicholas Schneider WIN LOSS
Jacob Kelly James Clark LOSS WIN
Christopher Dyer Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Piotr Przanowski Zachary Showalter WIN LOSS
Doug Perritt Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Matthew Castleman Keith Cotter-Reilly LOSS WIN
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Anonymous fighter WIN LOSS
Joseph Ceirante Casper Ellestad-Andersen LOSS WIN
Phillip Burgstahler Brian Ames WIN LOSS
Henry McLemore Richard Markee WIN LOSS
Paul Kartage Kenny Mai LOSS WIN
Charles Lin Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN
Peter Brusseau Dave Kaufman LOSS WIN
David Von Bargen Isadora Baden-Payne WIN LOSS
Travis Mayott Daniel Breslin WIN LOSS
Karl Bolle Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
James Clark Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Piotr Przanowski Doug Perritt WIN LOSS
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Keith Cotter-Reilly WIN LOSS
Phillip Burgstahler Casper Ellestad-Andersen LOSS WIN
Henry McLemore Kenny Mai WIN LOSS
Marcus Lewis Dave Kaufman WIN LOSS
David Von Bargen Travis Mayott LOSS WIN
Chris Hobbs Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Piotr Przanowski Mckenzie Adlai Ewing LOSS WIN
Casper Ellestad-Andersen Henry McLemore WIN LOSS
Marcus Lewis Travis Mayott WIN LOSS
Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Nathan Grepares LOSS WIN
Marcus Lewis Casper Ellestad-Andersen WIN LOSS
Nathan Grepares Marcus Lewis LOSS WIN

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Capitol Clash: Washington DC HEMA Open 2017

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
21 18 Marcus Lewis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1698.5 79.7
27 2 Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1661.9 16.5
28 6 Chris Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing 1652.5 15.4
33 4 Casper Ellestad-Andersen Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1642.7 20.7
34 1 Travis Mayott Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1640.8 8.3
38 35 Nathan Grepares Sword to Sword 1630.4 93.3
59 46 Piotr Przanowski Bractwo Szermiercze 1559.6 60.5
93 45 Frank Zamary Columbus United Fencing Club 1519.1 64.2
97 17 James Clark Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1513.9 25.2
137 24 Keith Cotter-Reilly Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1467.9 31.9
143 1 Karl Bolle Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1463.7 9.1
161 4 Dave Kaufman New York Historical Fencing Association 1444.4 10.2
175 62 Doug Perritt Virginia Academy of Fencing 1432.2 68.9
192 107 Henry McLemore Virginia Academy of Fencing 1415.7 105.5
235 242 David Von Bargen Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1369.2 165.2
238 48 Christopher Dyer Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1365.1 44.8
245 20 Charles Lin Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1362.4 8
252 19 Joseph Ceirante New York Historical Fencing Association 1357.9 7.4
284 89 Kenny Mai New York Historical Fencing Association 1329.6 69.8
301 33 Thomas Schratwieser Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1319.7 13.4
310 27 Alexander Kotarakos Sword Inquisition 1312.7 10.2
320 102 Nathan Wallace Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1306 73.8
324 28 Jacob Kelly Pennsylvania Klopffechters 1304 30.5
340 206 Benjamin Jarashow Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1292.9 167.3
351 Phillip Burgstahler Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1285.6
369 183 Nicholas Schneider Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1272.5 110.7
380 52 Brian Ames Order of the Marshal 1265.4 36.5
393 71 Zachary Showalter Scuffletown Federfechters 1259 37.8
438 99 Peter Brusseau Virginia Academy of Fencing 1237.6 66.8
502 Isadora Baden-Payne Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1202.5
532 76 Rick Long Omaha Kunst des Fechtens 1189.1 56.8
547 13 Jamie Kikilidis Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1179.5 21.6
564 69 Michael Croke Richmond Kunst Des Fechtens 1172.7 21.3
578 Joseph Lilly Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1164.5
638 399 Matthew Castleman Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1135 238.3
644 21 Joseph Yeager Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1131.2 33.6
649 Eric Kusmaul Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1127.1
667 Richard Markee Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1114.1
677 70 Paul Kartage Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1109.9 49.9
696 363 Daniel Breslin Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 1100.8 215.9
727 99 Robert Smith Battlefield KdF 1086.1 31.2
732 Eric Avila Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1084.6
779 30 Lauren Hanson New York Historical Fencing Association 1066.9 7.5
819 Caroline Zook Pennsylvania Klopffechters 1040.8
837 Kyle Schriver Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1024
917 Michael Authement Capital Kunst des Fechtens 980.2
939 David Kalinowski Capital Kunst des Fechtens 970.1
941 114 Keith Lyons Medieval European Martial Arts Guild 969.6 32.3
972 172 Ashleigh Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing 956.7 132.9
983 Brent Wang Capital Kunst des Fechtens 949.2
1037 75 Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica 924.4 11.8
1093 24 Henry Kenyon Capital Kunst des Fechtens 898.9 49
1114 Robert Weston Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 891.2
1122 Chuck Gross Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 884.5
1149 Philip Becnel Capital Kunst des Fechtens 871.9
1160 125 John Durish Capital Kunst des Fechtens 865.6 33.1
1178 Alexander Bowe Capital Kunst des Fechtens 854.5
1206 8 Jess Rozek Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 833.4 73.7
1227 John Dowdle Virginia Academy of Fencing 816.8
1237 Jong Chen Capital Kunst des Fechtens 813.7
1238 Jason Kumar London Historical Fencing Club 813.1
1249 99 Gretchen Settle Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 807.5 11
1259 John McPherson Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 800
1366 82 Samantha Miller Capital Kunst des Fechtens 660.5 20.6
Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
2 1 Kristofer Stanson Stockholm HEMA 1738.6 39
21 11 Marcus Lewis Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1481.6 84.7
26 Nathan Grepares Sword to Sword 1446.9
27 6 Mckenzie Adlai Ewing Atlanta Historical Fencing Academy 1445.4 65.8
34 5 Travis Mayott Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1402.8 46.2
52 88 Christopher Dyer Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1322.4 253.2
54 Paul Kartage Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1314.8
63 127 Robert Gonia Virginia Academy of Fencing 1287.5 350.9
66 Alexander Kotarakos Sword Inquisition 1280.4
83 Nathan Wallace Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1231.2
93 78 Lauren Hanson New York Historical Fencing Association 1207.5 224.2
95 Piotr Przanowski Bractwo Szermiercze 1194
98 Clayton Willets Virginia Academy of Fencing 1186.8
121 William Bergman Virginia Academy of Fencing 1133.6
129 24 Iman Muttardy Virginia Academy of Fencing 1120.1 91.8
133 Robert Weston Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1107.8
136 Joseph Lilly Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1103.7
141 Casper Ellestad-Andersen Aros Historical Fencing Guild 1095.3
167 42 Malcolm Ponte Virginia Academy of Fencing 1047.3 168.6
179 3 Henry Kenyon Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1015.5 64.8
186 Stephen Clement Mid-Atlantic Society for Historic Swordsmanship 998.7
197 4 James Darling Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 978.7 48.3
201 Isadora Baden-Payne Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 967.6
204 Karl Bolle Capital Kunst des Fechtens 963.3
205 Daniel Daugherty Virginia Academy of Fencing 961.1
212 John Durish Capital Kunst des Fechtens 944.7
217 75 Peter Brusseau Virginia Academy of Fencing 939.2 113.3
223 2 Joseph Ceirante New York Historical Fencing Association 932 113.9
231 Jacob Kelly Pennsylvania Klopffechters 899.2
235 Henry McLemore Virginia Academy of Fencing 893.6
260 Omar Quintero Virginia Academy of Fencing 817.1
272 Brian Cox Virginia Academy of Fencing 795.8
275 Charissa Eagy Virginia Academy of Fencing 777.1
291 Rebecca Glass L'Arte Della Bellica 683.2
293 40 Joseph Yeager Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 650.4 22.4