Broken Point 2017

Date April 17, 2017
Country United States
State Pennsylvania
City Pittsburgh

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 112 46

Fighters in event

Kristin Story
Robert Smith Battlefield KdF
Scott Barb Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Chuck Gross Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Justin Clawson Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Cody Brune Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Richard Markee Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Brandon Shuler Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Jamie Kikilidis Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Jim Brooks Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
George Faltot Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Tim Lyle Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Margaret Beigel Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Steve Karscig Broken Plow Western Martial Arts
Dayna Rowden Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Karl Bolle Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Henry Kenyon Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Jake Norwood Capital Kunst des Fechtens
Frank Zamary Columbus United Fencing Club
J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society
Pete May Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club
Brian Miller L'Arte Della Bellica
Travis Mayott Maryland Kunst des Fechtens
Joseph Yeager Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy
Tim Kaufman New York Historical Fencing Association
Toby Hall New York Historical Fencing Association
Jay Tsulis New York Historical Fencing Association
Caroline Zook Pennsylvania Klopffechters
Jacob Kelly Pennsylvania Klopffechters
Nathan Annis Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Nathan Wallace Royal Arts Fencing Academy
Ashleigh Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing
Simai Liu Steel City Historical Fencing
Chris Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing
Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing
Steve Day Steel City Historical Fencing
Wesley Halstead Steel City Historical Fencing
Andrew Magee Triangle Sword Guild
Joseph Michel Tri-State Historical Fencing Club
Alex Meloi Tri-State Historical Fencing Club
Matthew Daitsman Tri-State Historical Fencing Club
Ryan Rusek Tri-State Historical Fencing Club
Christian O'Connell Tri-State Historical Fencing Club
Charissa Eagy Virginia Academy of Fencing
Adam Severa Youngstown Historical Fencing


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Joseph Pugnetti Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Scott Barb Brian Miller LOSS WIN
Karl Bolle Brian Miller WIN LOSS
Joseph Pugnetti Scott Barb WIN LOSS
Brian Miller Joseph Pugnetti WIN LOSS
Scott Barb Karl Bolle WIN LOSS
Steve Karscig Travis Mayott LOSS WIN
Pete May Andrew Magee WIN LOSS
Dayna Rowden Travis Mayott LOSS WIN
Steve Karscig Andrew Magee DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Dayna Rowden Pete May LOSS WIN
Andrew Magee Travis Mayott LOSS WIN
Steve Karscig Dayna Rowden WIN LOSS
Pete May Travis Mayott WIN LOSS
Dayna Rowden Andrew Magee LOSS WIN
Steve Karscig Pete May WIN LOSS
Chris Hobbs Kristin Story WIN LOSS
Matthew Daitsman Caroline Zook DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Chris Hobbs Caroline Zook WIN LOSS
Kristin Story Matthew Daitsman WIN LOSS
Caroline Zook Kristin Story LOSS WIN
Chris Hobbs Matthew Daitsman WIN LOSS
Margaret Beigel Jay Tsulis LOSS WIN
Chuck Gross Jay Tsulis LOSS WIN
Margaret Beigel Ryan Rusek WIN LOSS
Henry Kenyon Chuck Gross LOSS WIN
Ryan Rusek Jay Tsulis LOSS WIN
Chuck Gross Margaret Beigel WIN LOSS
Henry Kenyon Jay Tsulis LOSS WIN
Ryan Rusek Chuck Gross WIN LOSS
Henry Kenyon Margaret Beigel LOSS WIN
Richard Markee Jake Norwood LOSS WIN
Christian O'Connell Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Christian O'Connell Jake Norwood LOSS WIN
Christopher Shelton Richard Markee WIN LOSS
Christian O'Connell Richard Markee WIN LOSS
Christopher Shelton Jake Norwood DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Robert Smith Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Frank Zamary George Faltot WIN LOSS
Tim Lyle Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Robert Smith Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Tim Lyle George Faltot WIN LOSS
Toby Hall Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Tim Lyle Robert Smith WIN LOSS
Toby Hall George Faltot WIN LOSS
Tim Lyle Frank Zamary LOSS WIN
Robert Smith George Faltot WIN LOSS
Tim Kaufman Nathan Wallace WIN LOSS
Justin Clawson Joseph Yeager LOSS WIN
Tim Kaufman Brandon Shuler WIN LOSS
Nathan Wallace Joseph Yeager WIN LOSS
Justin Clawson Brandon Shuler LOSS WIN
Joseph Yeager Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
Brandon Shuler Nathan Wallace LOSS WIN
Tim Kaufman Justin Clawson WIN LOSS
Brandon Shuler Joseph Yeager LOSS WIN
Justin Clawson Nathan Wallace LOSS WIN
Cody Brune J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Charissa Eagy Steve Day LOSS WIN
Wesley Halstead Cody Brune LOSS WIN
J.J. Conlon Steve Day WIN LOSS
Wesley Halstead Charissa Eagy WIN LOSS
Wesley Halstead J.J. Conlon WIN LOSS
Charissa Eagy Cody Brune LOSS WIN
Wesley Halstead Steve Day WIN LOSS
J.J. Conlon Charissa Eagy WIN LOSS
Jim Brooks Nathan Annis WIN LOSS
Jacob Kelly Alex Meloi WIN LOSS
Jim Brooks Simai Liu LOSS WIN
Nathan Annis Jacob Kelly LOSS WIN
Alex Meloi Simai Liu LOSS WIN
Jacob Kelly Jim Brooks WIN LOSS
Simai Liu Nathan Annis WIN LOSS
Jacob Kelly Simai Liu WIN LOSS
Alex Meloi Nathan Annis WIN LOSS
Adam Severa Jamie Kikilidis LOSS WIN
Ashleigh Hobbs Joseph Michel WIN LOSS
Jamie Kikilidis Ashleigh Hobbs DOUBLE LOSS DOUBLE LOSS
Adam Severa Joseph Michel WIN LOSS
Ashleigh Hobbs Adam Severa LOSS WIN
Joseph Michel Jamie Kikilidis LOSS WIN
Joseph Pugnetti Jay Tsulis LOSS WIN
Jake Norwood Christopher Shelton WIN LOSS
Wesley Halstead Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
Pete May Jacob Kelly WIN LOSS
Toby Hall Simai Liu WIN LOSS
Jamie Kikilidis Travis Mayott LOSS WIN
Frank Zamary Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Cody Brune Nathan Wallace LOSS WIN
Joseph Pugnetti Christopher Shelton LOSS WIN
Jacob Kelly Wesley Halstead LOSS WIN
Simai Liu Jamie Kikilidis LOSS WIN
Cody Brune Frank Zamary WIN LOSS
Jake Norwood Jay Tsulis WIN LOSS
Pete May Tim Kaufman LOSS WIN
Travis Mayott Toby Hall WIN LOSS
Nathan Wallace Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Christopher Shelton Pete May LOSS WIN
Jay Tsulis Wesley Halstead WIN LOSS
Jamie Kikilidis Nathan Wallace LOSS WIN
Cody Brune Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Jay Tsulis Pete May WIN LOSS
Toby Hall Nathan Wallace WIN LOSS
Jake Norwood Tim Kaufman WIN LOSS
Travis Mayott Chris Hobbs WIN LOSS
Tim Kaufman Toby Hall LOSS WIN
Jay Tsulis Chris Hobbs LOSS WIN
Toby Hall Chris Hobbs WIN LOSS
Jake Norwood Travis Mayott WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Broken Point 2017

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
12 1 Jake Norwood Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1780.7 20.6
25 2 Chris Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing 1704.8 19.7
26 5 Tim Kaufman New York Historical Fencing Association 1703.7 1.9
34 6 Toby Hall New York Historical Fencing Association 1675.2 40.3
47 2 Travis Mayott Maryland Kunst des Fechtens 1618 16.7
74 28 Frank Zamary Columbus United Fencing Club 1560.3 54.1
128 19 Karl Bolle Capital Kunst des Fechtens 1496.8 11.9
139 22 Jay Tsulis New York Historical Fencing Association 1490.7 34.9
205 81 Cody Brune Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1432.9 73.8
292 98 Nathan Wallace Royal Arts Fencing Academy 1373 80.3
332 16 Jacob Kelly Pennsylvania Klopffechters 1347 29.8
343 89 Pete May Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1341.5 74.7
364 29 Simai Liu Steel City Historical Fencing 1324.9 1
394 Wesley Halstead Steel City Historical Fencing 1304.7
405 28 Scott Barb Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1301 2.2
423 66 Jim Brooks Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1291.2 19.4
458 55 Brian Miller L'Arte Della Bellica 1276.1 47.8
478 49 J.J. Conlon Gem City Duelists Society 1264.2 39.6
536 22 Jamie Kikilidis Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1240 30.6
573 118 Andrew Magee Triangle Sword Guild 1224.1 75.3
584 Christopher Shelton Hilt and Helm Pittsburgh Fencing Club 1219.7
590 86 Alex Meloi Tri-State Historical Fencing Club 1217.4 16
638 Steve Karscig Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1195.1
664 1 Joseph Yeager Metropolitan Historical Fencing Academy 1182.6 23.7
665 13 Christian O'Connell Tri-State Historical Fencing Club 1182.2 19
674 150 Richard Markee Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1178.8 46.4
686 177 Charissa Eagy Virginia Academy of Fencing 1174.3 57
701 Joseph Pugnetti Steel City Historical Fencing 1169.1
747 2 Chuck Gross Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1151.7 25.9
841 44 Margaret Beigel Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1115.3 48.2
843 389 Justin Clawson Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1114.3 143.1
954 Tim Lyle Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1078.3
962 43 Brandon Shuler Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 1075.9 26.5
988 89 Robert Smith Battlefield KdF 1065.7 7
1003 16 Ryan Rusek Tri-State Historical Fencing Club 1056 41.3
1094 Steve Day Steel City Historical Fencing 1013.6
1103 122 Ashleigh Hobbs Steel City Historical Fencing 1010.5 7.3
1144 142 Kristin Story N/A 996.9 106.1
1187 202 Joseph Michel Tri-State Historical Fencing Club 978.5 37.5
1190 218 Adam Severa Youngstown Historical Fencing 976.7 154
1236 236 Matthew Daitsman Tri-State Historical Fencing Club 958.8 51.9
1266 192 Caroline Zook Pennsylvania Klopffechters 946.3 36
1432 160 Henry Kenyon Capital Kunst des Fechtens 880.1 16.9
1433 176 Dayna Rowden Capital Kunst des Fechtens 879.9 24.8
1506 160 George Faltot Broken Plow Western Martial Arts 839.6 24.2
1706 136 Nathan Annis Royal Arts Fencing Academy 665.4 6.1