Midwinter Armizare Open

Date January 21, 2017
Country United States
State Illinois
City Chicago

Tournament stats

Division Number of fights Number of fighters
Mixed Steel Longsword 141 38
Mixed Steel Any One-Handed Weapon No Sidearm 49 19

Fighters in event

Daniel Zwart Ann Arbor Sword Club
Sam Street
Igor Solunskiy
Jeffrey Ebeling Ann Arbor Sword Club
Nicholas Omichinski Ann Arbor Sword Club
Sam Brian Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts
Romana Shemayev Bent Blades
Matt Olesen Center for Blade Arts
Cameron Metcalf Centerline Sword School
Rhett Haynes Chicago Swordplay Guild
Ted Pool Chicago Swordplay Guild
Nicolas Cabrera Chicago Swordplay Guild
Vlad Hintaut Chicago Swordplay Guild
Evan Laney Chicago Swordplay Guild
Victor Bayona Chicago Swordplay Guild
David Jones Chicago Swordplay Guild
Jynell Veverka Chicago Swordplay Guild
Jake Brown Chicago Swordplay Guild
Scott Jeffers Chicago Swordplay Guild
Jesse Kulla Chicago Swordplay Guild
Tim Hoyt European Martial Arts of St. Louis
Aaron Labertew House of Blades
Chuck Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy
Thayne Alexander Lansing Longsword Guild
Keith Stratton Lansing Longsword Guild
Adam Franti Lansing Longsword Guild
Zeke Talmage Michigan Historical Art of Arms Fellowship
Aindreas Dounyng The Guild Academy
Kenneth Zech The Guild Academy
Logan Black War Sword Historical Fencing
Evan Owens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Ed Sagritalo Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Ben Mandelkern Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Nicole Green Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Aaron Pynenberg Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Katy Lehman Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Ben Lehman Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Joe Munski Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Adam Ogle Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association
Tyler Hull Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association


This lists the full outcomes in each of the tournaments at the event.

StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Romana Shemayev Zeke Talmage WIN LOSS
Sam Street Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Adam Ogle Aaron Pynenberg LOSS WIN
Nicholas Omichinski Romana Shemayev WIN LOSS
Zeke Talmage Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Adam Ogle Sam Street LOSS WIN
Aaron Pynenberg Romana Shemayev WIN LOSS
Nicholas Omichinski Sam Street WIN LOSS
Adam Ogle Aaron Labertew LOSS WIN
Zeke Talmage Nicholas Omichinski LOSS WIN
Romana Shemayev Sam Street WIN LOSS
Aaron Pynenberg Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Adam Ogle Nicholas Omichinski LOSS WIN
Romana Shemayev Aaron Labertew WIN LOSS
Zeke Talmage Aaron Pynenberg WIN LOSS
Adam Ogle Romana Shemayev LOSS WIN
Aaron Pynenberg Nicholas Omichinski WIN LOSS
Sam Street Zeke Talmage WIN LOSS
Aaron Labertew Nicholas Omichinski LOSS WIN
Zeke Talmage Adam Ogle WIN LOSS
Aaron Pynenberg Sam Street LOSS WIN
Evan Laney Ben Lehman LOSS WIN
Daniel Zwart Vlad Hintaut LOSS WIN
Ben Mandelkern Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Tyler Hull Ed Sagritalo WIN LOSS
Scott Jeffers Vlad Hintaut LOSS WIN
Evan Laney Ben Mandelkern LOSS WIN
Daniel Zwart Ed Sagritalo WIN LOSS
Tyler Hull Ben Lehman LOSS WIN
Daniel Zwart Ben Mandelkern WIN LOSS
Ed Sagritalo Ben Lehman LOSS WIN
Scott Jeffers Evan Laney WIN LOSS
Vlad Hintaut Tyler Hull WIN LOSS
Daniel Zwart Scott Jeffers LOSS WIN
Ben Mandelkern Tyler Hull WIN LOSS
Ben Lehman Vlad Hintaut LOSS WIN
Ed Sagritalo Evan Laney WIN LOSS
Scott Jeffers Ben Lehman LOSS WIN
Vlad Hintaut Evan Laney WIN LOSS
Daniel Zwart Tyler Hull WIN LOSS
Ed Sagritalo Ben Mandelkern LOSS WIN
Scott Jeffers Tyler Hull WIN LOSS
Evan Laney Daniel Zwart LOSS WIN
Ben Lehman Ben Mandelkern WIN LOSS
Vlad Hintaut Ed Sagritalo WIN LOSS
Daniel Zwart Ben Lehman LOSS WIN
Ben Mandelkern Vlad Hintaut LOSS WIN
Tyler Hull Evan Laney LOSS WIN
Scott Jeffers Ed Sagritalo WIN LOSS
Katy Lehman Logan Black LOSS WIN
David Jones Victor Bayona LOSS WIN
Tim Hoyt Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
Keith Stratton Joe Munski LOSS WIN
Victor Bayona Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Katy Lehman Cameron Metcalf LOSS WIN
David Jones Keith Stratton LOSS WIN
Joe Munski Logan Black WIN LOSS
Cameron Metcalf David Jones LOSS WIN
Logan Black Keith Stratton WIN LOSS
Tim Hoyt Katy Lehman LOSS WIN
Victor Bayona Joe Munski WIN LOSS
Tim Hoyt David Jones LOSS WIN
Cameron Metcalf Joe Munski WIN LOSS
Logan Black Victor Bayona WIN LOSS
Katy Lehman Keith Stratton WIN LOSS
Logan Black Tim Hoyt LOSS WIN
Victor Bayona Katy Lehman LOSS WIN
Joe Munski David Jones WIN LOSS
Cameron Metcalf Keith Stratton WIN LOSS
Tim Hoyt Joe Munski WIN LOSS
David Jones Katy Lehman WIN LOSS
Logan Black Cameron Metcalf WIN LOSS
Victor Bayona Keith Stratton LOSS WIN
Logan Black David Jones LOSS WIN
Cameron Metcalf Victor Bayona LOSS WIN
Katy Lehman Joe Munski LOSS WIN
Keith Stratton Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Nicole Green Jesse Kulla LOSS WIN
Jake Brown Kenneth Zech WIN LOSS
Jynell Veverka Sam Brian WIN LOSS
Jeffrey Ebeling Rhett Haynes WIN LOSS
Jynell Veverka Kenneth Zech WIN LOSS
Jesse Kulla Sam Brian WIN LOSS
Rhett Haynes Jake Brown LOSS WIN
Nicole Green Jeffrey Ebeling LOSS WIN
Jake Brown Sam Brian WIN LOSS
Nicole Green Rhett Haynes WIN LOSS
Jynell Veverka Jesse Kulla LOSS WIN
Kenneth Zech Jeffrey Ebeling LOSS WIN
Jake Brown Jynell Veverka WIN LOSS
Jeffrey Ebeling Sam Brian LOSS WIN
Nicole Green Kenneth Zech LOSS WIN
Rhett Haynes Jesse Kulla LOSS WIN
Nicole Green Jynell Veverka WIN LOSS
Kenneth Zech Jesse Kulla LOSS WIN
Jake Brown Jeffrey Ebeling LOSS WIN
Sam Brian Rhett Haynes WIN LOSS
Jeffrey Ebeling Jynell Veverka WIN LOSS
Jake Brown Jesse Kulla LOSS WIN
Nicole Green Sam Brian LOSS WIN
Rhett Haynes Kenneth Zech DRAW DRAW
Nicole Green Jake Brown WIN LOSS
Sam Brian Kenneth Zech DRAW DRAW
Jeffrey Ebeling Jesse Kulla LOSS WIN
Jynell Veverka Rhett Haynes LOSS WIN
Adam Franti Aindreas Dounyng LOSS WIN
Thayne Alexander Chuck Castellanos WIN LOSS
Matt Olesen Evan Owens WIN LOSS
Igor Solunskiy Aindreas Dounyng WIN LOSS
Adam Franti Thayne Alexander WIN LOSS
Evan Owens Chuck Castellanos WIN LOSS
Aindreas Dounyng Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Igor Solunskiy Chuck Castellanos WIN LOSS
Evan Owens Thayne Alexander LOSS WIN
Adam Franti Igor Solunskiy WIN LOSS
Chuck Castellanos Aindreas Dounyng LOSS WIN
Matt Olesen Thayne Alexander WIN LOSS
Evan Owens Igor Solunskiy WIN LOSS
Aindreas Dounyng Thayne Alexander LOSS WIN
Adam Franti Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Evan Owens Aindreas Dounyng LOSS WIN
Matt Olesen Igor Solunskiy WIN LOSS
Chuck Castellanos Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Igor Solunskiy Thayne Alexander LOSS WIN
Adam Franti Evan Owens WIN LOSS
Chuck Castellanos Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Sam Street Vlad Hintaut WIN LOSS
Ben Lehman Zeke Talmage LOSS WIN
Jake Brown Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Jesse Kulla David Jones DRAW DRAW
Matt Olesen Aindreas Dounyng WIN LOSS
Aaron Pynenberg Logan Black WIN LOSS
Nicholas Omichinski Jeffrey Ebeling WIN LOSS
Nicole Green Joe Munski WIN LOSS
Sam Street Zeke Talmage WIN LOSS
Jesse Kulla Adam Franti WIN LOSS
Aaron Pynenberg Matt Olesen WIN LOSS
Nicholas Omichinski Nicole Green WIN LOSS
Jesse Kulla Sam Street LOSS WIN
Aaron Pynenberg Nicole Green LOSS WIN
Sam Street Nicole Green WIN LOSS
StageFighter 1Fighter 2Fighter 1 resultFighter 2 result
Thayne Alexander Matt Olesen WIN LOSS
Aindreas Dounyng Keith Stratton WIN LOSS
Ted Pool Thayne Alexander LOSS WIN
Matt Olesen Keith Stratton LOSS WIN
Thayne Alexander Keith Stratton LOSS WIN
Aindreas Dounyng Thayne Alexander WIN LOSS
Ted Pool Matt Olesen LOSS WIN
Aindreas Dounyng Matt Olesen WIN LOSS
Ted Pool Keith Stratton WIN LOSS
Aindreas Dounyng Ted Pool LOSS WIN
Tim Hoyt Jesse Kulla LOSS WIN
Logan Black Ben Lehman WIN LOSS
Ben Mandelkern Ed Sagritalo WIN LOSS
Jesse Kulla Logan Black LOSS WIN
Ben Mandelkern Ben Lehman LOSS WIN
Ed Sagritalo Tim Hoyt LOSS WIN
Ben Mandelkern Logan Black WIN LOSS
Ben Lehman Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Logan Black Ed Sagritalo WIN LOSS
Ben Lehman Jesse Kulla WIN LOSS
Ben Mandelkern Tim Hoyt WIN LOSS
Ed Sagritalo Ben Lehman LOSS WIN
Ben Mandelkern Jesse Kulla WIN LOSS
Tim Hoyt Logan Black WIN LOSS
Jesse Kulla Ed Sagritalo WIN LOSS
Daniel Zwart Sam Street LOSS WIN
Igor Solunskiy Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Nicolas Cabrera Nicholas Omichinski WIN LOSS
Sam Street Igor Solunskiy WIN LOSS
Nicholas Omichinski Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Daniel Zwart Nicolas Cabrera WIN LOSS
Nicholas Omichinski Igor Solunskiy WIN LOSS
Adam Franti Daniel Zwart WIN LOSS
Nicolas Cabrera Igor Solunskiy WIN LOSS
Sam Street Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Nicholas Omichinski Daniel Zwart LOSS WIN
Adam Franti Nicolas Cabrera WIN LOSS
Nicholas Omichinski Sam Street WIN LOSS
Daniel Zwart Igor Solunskiy WIN LOSS
Nicolas Cabrera Sam Street LOSS WIN
Tim Hoyt Ben Lehman LOSS WIN
Daniel Zwart Adam Franti LOSS WIN
Adam Franti Aaron Pynenberg LOSS WIN
Cameron Metcalf Sam Street LOSS WIN
Ben Mandelkern Aindreas Dounyng WIN LOSS
Ben Lehman Thayne Alexander WIN LOSS
Aaron Pynenberg Sam Street LOSS WIN
Ben Mandelkern Ben Lehman LOSS WIN
Sam Street Ben Lehman WIN LOSS

Rating outcomes

This shows how the fighters' ratings changed in the month of the event.

Note: If someone competed in multiple events this month their rating changes will reflect their performance in all those events, not just Midwinter Armizare Open

Rank Name Nationality Club Weighted rating Confidence
39 26 Matt Olesen Center for Blade Arts 1626.1 76
61 3 Aaron Pynenberg Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1556.2 4.8
75 1 Ben Lehman Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1536 0.8
94 75 Sam Street N/A 1518.7 87.8
104 Nicholas Omichinski Ann Arbor Sword Club 1506.7
132 605 Jesse Kulla Chicago Swordplay Guild 1475.6 409.5
149 2 Adam Franti Lansing Longsword Guild 1455.4 10.3
205 420 Vlad Hintaut Chicago Swordplay Guild 1400.1 281
279 27 Nicole Green Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1332.2 25.5
297 Thayne Alexander Lansing Longsword Guild 1322.3
318 7 Logan Black War Sword Historical Fencing 1306.6 14.1
325 39 Joe Munski Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1303.2 38.6
364 45 Daniel Zwart Ann Arbor Sword Club 1276.1 33.9
376 Jeffrey Ebeling Ann Arbor Sword Club 1268
390 204 Zeke Talmage Michigan Historical Art of Arms Fellowship 1260.2 121.3
419 287 Aindreas Dounyng The Guild Academy 1247.3 166.5
478 Cameron Metcalf Centerline Sword School 1217.4
495 308 Romana Shemayev Bent Blades 1207.9 193.1
511 David Jones Chicago Swordplay Guild 1197.8
561 415 Scott Jeffers Chicago Swordplay Guild 1174.3 249.2
581 Jake Brown Chicago Swordplay Guild 1163.3
609 Sam Brian Baerswords School of Western Martial Arts 1149
611 Victor Bayona Chicago Swordplay Guild 1148
642 80 Katy Lehman Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1132.1 54.4
690 Igor Solunskiy N/A 1103.7
772 Evan Owens Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1073.1
799 Ben Mandelkern Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 1055.9
835 168 Keith Stratton Lansing Longsword Guild 1026 112.5
875 Tim Hoyt European Martial Arts of St. Louis 999.7
923 Jynell Veverka Chicago Swordplay Guild 976.7
985 215 Kenneth Zech The Guild Academy 948.3 166.8
1054 Rhett Haynes Chicago Swordplay Guild 914.1
1064 Aaron Labertew House of Blades 912.9
1141 Ed Sagritalo Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 875.8
1142 Evan Laney Chicago Swordplay Guild 875.8
1143 Tyler Hull Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 875.8
1177 Chuck Castellanos Lake Forest Sword Academy 854.5
1233 Adam Ogle Wisconsin Historical Fencing Association 814.6